Best and worst "family" and "Christian" films, in your opinion? (longer than intended)


Nov 21, 2011
South Carolina
Marital Status
I have reviewed "War Room" and "Home", two DVD's that I have purchased recently. They are both good in my opinion. I was thinking about this because there are so many "Christian" films that are based on inaccurate interpretation of scriptures or are just lame and "family" films that aren't always so family-oriented.
My reviews of "War Room" and "Home" are listed on my blog, which I would like to update in the near future.

I am no Roger Ebert (RIP) obviously. I admit this because I am just a moviegoer who likes or dislikes films just like everybody else, and I certainly have my likes and dislikes. I also have concerns. There are films that I would consider "safe" in terms of content but may be based on some inaccurate interpretations of scripture, in your opinion, since different denominations interpret Scripture "differently" I guess. In terms of content, I believe that there are films that have decent, believable acting, dialogue, message, storytelling, biblical accuracy, and overall content tend to have a more lasting impact than others to name a few in terms of the general masses. I am not a fan of films that are "how much lower can one go", are boring, poorly acted, unintentionally funny, and are biblically inaccurate.

Based on what I have written, would you agree or disagree with my reviews of both "Home" and "War Room"? Are there other films you would recommend that I should watch and should the recent film "Risen" be one of those films? I also purchased that film, but I have yet to watch it. Also, in your own humble opinion, which movies would you recommend for children and entire families, period? There are films that claim to be "family" films or films that are supposed to relate to the general audience but have more "adult" situations that maybe kids should not watch (despite what goes on in reality).

Kid films in my opinion shouldn't be about just escaping from reality, but teaches a lesson and other things that should relate to them. Some kids do curse, lie, steal, and bully in reality, but a line has to be drawn. While I don't think that kids should be shielded 24/7 because it is impossible to do so, parents and whoever is watching them should set an example in terms of teaching them and treating them as fellow human beings who are gifts from the Lord, not just assets (The phrase "children are our best asset" comes to mind.).

I digress as this is just my opinion, but I as an adult have no business watching films that I also find offensive. I have learned that if a child should not watch it, then it makes me wonder how offensive the content would be to myself, an adult. I don't like four-letter words, and racist words (I know Mark Twain has used the n-word in his book.), and perverse sexual situations which are "deemed okay", which oppose your personal or religious beliefs. Which movies would you or would not recommend? The best films are truly family films that the whole family can truly watch. They are inoffensive to the viewers, kids and adults, and the content is based on truth, integrity, and accuracy. The worst family and Christian films are not accurate based on a book, or accurate historically or biblically, make a false claim of being for the entire family and Christianity despite "offensive" content and situations, and are not well acted, and just not believable or impacting. What are the best and worst "Family" and "Christian" films?