
  1. C

    Family blessing

    Good day, I'm asking for prayer for the Lord's blessing and favor to be upon Dwayne St George and Cindy's marriage, family and children. Thank you for all your prayer.
  2. Lov4Christ

    My kids need me and I them

    Please PRAY for my kids and I. My wife and I have recently divorced and my kids are with my ex-wife still. Though some of the reasons for the divorce were on me, not all of it was my fault and God has saved me since then. I know my kids are hurting because they don't understand it all and they...
  3. C

    Family blessing

    Good day, I'm asking for prayer for the Lords blessing and favor to be upon Dwayne St George and Cindy's marriage, family and children. Thank you for all your prayer.
  4. C

    Prayer for Healing

    Hello, all. I would like to request prayer for my husband and myself. We are working through past hurts, and desire greatly to be in Christ in our marriage. Personally, I am struggling greatly with forgiving myself of past mistakes I have made that have caused great hurt, even though he has...
  5. C

    Blessing and favor

    Good day, I'm asking for prayer that the Lord's blessing and favor would be upon Dwayne St George and Cindy's marriage, family and children. Thank you for all your prayer.
  6. C

    Prayer for family

    Good day, I'm asking for prayer for Dwayne St George and Cindy's marriage would be blessed and highly favored of the Lord, filled with joy, peace, love, strength, Godliness and unity. That the Lord's will is done in their marriage. That their family, their children their marriage would be filled...
  7. C

    Prayer for family

    Good day, I'm asking for prayer for Dwayne St George and Cindy's marriage would be blessed and highly favored of the Lord, filled with joy, peace, love, strength, Godliness and unity. That the Lord's will is done in their marriage. That their family, their children their marriage would be filled...
  8. C

    Family prayer

    Good day, I'm asking for prayer for Dwayne St George and Cindy's marriage would be blessed and highly favored of the Lord, filled with joy, peace, love, strength, Godliness and unity. That the Lord's will is done in their marriage. That their family, their children their marriage would be filled...
  9. C

    Marriage Restoration

    Good day, I'm asking for prayer for the return of my wife Cindy-Ann St George and restoration in my marriage, for Dwayne St George. Please pray that unforgiveness is removed and the Lord fills our hearts with love for each other. Thank you for all your prayer.
  10. Christsfreeservant

    We are Called to Suffer

    Luke 12:49-53 ESV Jesus speaking: “I came to cast fire on the earth, and would that it were already kindled! I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how great is my distress until it is accomplished! Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division...
  11. jintercession

    This church is driving a wedge between me and my family...

    Hi everyone who decides to read this!! Lucky you, you're in for a treat... The church I grew up in (Baptist/Pentecostal) started going woke and seeker sensitive and it turned out to be worse than I thought... Perhaps it was gradually creeping in and I just didn't realize it. Upon participating...
  12. T


    I am new to this site, so I guess here was a good place to start. I turned 50 in January and I have 3 grown kids who have all gone their separate ways. One moved to Nashville, then recently to Florida after getting married in May. My Middle child was certified as a Critical Care Paramedic about...
  13. Emily7584

    Please pray for my family to be saved, for their salvations

    Please pray for my families salvations (13 people),for their souls to be saved. That God will prepare their hearts for salvation and draw them to faith in Jesus and turn them from sin to forgiveness & salvation. For God to enable to come to Jesus and that God will work in their hearts & open...
  14. blondebriana

    Endless Family Fighting

    Hi, my family has been struggling with our relationships with each other. Background info: I am 18 and my sister is 19. We both still live at my parents house. My sister and my dad always seem to get into huge arguments over the silliest little things. My sister has built up such a large hatred...
  15. Pearl7

    My father is drinking again

    He used to drink for almost 20 years, when God made a miracle. Lots of people were praying and fasting for him to stop, and he suddenly had a health problem and was told to stop drinking or he will die. His liver was very damaged, he then for 6 years didn't drink. The change was great but he...
  16. Pearl7

    Pray for me to get rid of undeserved shame and guilt

    I've been talking to a counsellor for around 4 months and I am starting to see the roles and patterns in my family's system. It's very toxic, and I realised I was/am the scapegoat of the family, programmed to be constantly ashamed or feel guilty. I never knew where that huge amount of guilt came...
  17. Pearl7

    My father and sister are narcissists

    I have a huge dilemma about how to live a normal life. My father used to be dependent on alcohol and for the longest time we've thought that was the only problem. He is mentally abusive and a tyrant in my family. My mom used to fight back in the beginning, but in the last 15 years she mostly...
  18. B

    Abandoning my child

    I recently had a baby out of wedlock with someone who was interested in the faith but hasnt quite come through to discipleship yet during the relationship I was abusive (emotionally not physically), im currently working with professionals on those patterns there is a scripture that says...
  19. E

    Father's porn addiction

    I grew up in a Christian family full of love which I thought was almost perfect, but I found out my father watches porn every day for years and I'm very concerned about it. A few years ago, I was playing games on my father's phone. Then I saw his google searches about porn and I was upset on...
  20. E

    Father's porn addiction

    I grew up in a Christian family full of love which I thought was almost perfect, but I found out my father watches porn every day for years and I'm very concerned about it. A few years ago, I was playing games on my father's phone. Then I saw his google searches about porn and I was upset on...