50 Reasons Christians Should be Prepping


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The reality is that the show "Doomsday Preppers" has little to do with 99% of true preppers. Most preppers are not building arsenals or fortified castles. We do not own a gun, nor are we planning to fight or kill anyone. Most preppers are simply putting back food, water, and other preparations for the sole purpose of surviving a time when these sorts of items may be unavailable. The people and groups presented on DP are chosen to provide the most entertainment value. They are characters, extremists, and in some cases dangerous individuals if not criminals. I have no doubt that some of these people ended up on their local sheriffs watch list because of the violence and danger they have planned. Property traps, armored school buses, and 50 caliber machine guns? Are you serious? That is NOT what preppers and prepping is about. As far a protecting your home and family, preppers are no different than people today. What would you do today if someone broke into your home intent on stealing your goods and doing injury to your family? Would you protect yourself and your family? Please be kind enough to afford preppers the same right.
This is a very hard message to both say and to hear. Nobody wants to hear about bad times. Nobody wants to hear the "gloom and doom" that we seem to be spouting. I for one do not like to have to say it! I am basically a faith person. I want be believe in prosperous times of health and wealth. I want to predict times of wealth and health for all! But I have to tell you the truth.
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My wife and I are grandparents and great grandparents. All of our children have their own homes, families, and lives. Preppers use the phrase "stuff hits the fan" to designate the commencement of the unhappy events for which we are preparing. Even if the "stuff" never hits the proverbial fan, we have lost absolutely nothing. We rotate all our prepped food, meaning we use up the oldest items in the store and replace it with fresh. Because we purchase this food in bulk and use it on a regular basis, we find our grocery bill has actually gone down! Instead of buying rice at a dollar and a quarter a pound, we buy it in fifty pound bags at about 40 cents a pound. Dehydrated potatoes in 15 pound buckets are far cheaper than buying the same fresh, and they last for decades! Bulk beans and bulk dry goods are all cheaper. All in all we have actually reduced our food budget. We are prepping and we are reducing our grocery budget at the same time. So rather than being an additional expense, prepping is saving us money. We may never have to utilize these preparations. We smile at our children when we talk about our stacks of prepper food. "If nothing else you will inherit a bunch of long-term stored food" - Who has dibs on the half ton of rice in Mylar bags?"
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It is our intention that our children and grand children never go hungry and will never be at the mercy of government or other social agencies. To be at the mercy of the government is just one more step toward being slaves to the state and their socialistic/dictatorial edicts. My 6th grade teacher used to say "you never get something for nothing." He was correct. There is always a price to be paid for what you receive in this life. The government never gives you something for nothing. They will require you to give up some freedom or right in return. It should be your goal to be as unshackled from the world as possible.
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A case for prepping 44

Prepping is an Investment

When we first started prepping, the price of a 50 pound bag of rice was less than $17. Within 6 months the price went up to $18.50. That is an almost 10% increase. At that rate, in ten years, a 50 pound bag of rice will cost over $100. That is over a 600% increase. This is just normal inflation driven by growth. Hyperinflation is another thing altogether. If hyperinflation hits, the price of simple things like rice, beans, batteries, even bread would skyrocket. Imagine a pound of rice going for a thousand dollars. Do you harrumph and say this sounds crazy? When hyper inflation hit Germany between the wars a loaf of bread would cost a wheelbarrow full of marks. In the year 1946 the value of the Hungarian pengo was cut in half every 15 hours. The inflation rate was over 200% a day. The worst was the hyperinflation in Zimbabwe just few short years ago. In July of 2008, inflation in that nation reached as high as 9 million percent. One US dollar equated to 688 billion ZWNs. Of course, at these values money is useless. People in Germany were using their paper money as fuel and wall paper. The paper was literally worth thousands of times more than the denomination that was printed thereon.

If stuff hits the fan and the dollar is rejected by our trading partners, you can look for hyperinflation. In the year 1900 the dollar was worth about 100 cents. Today that dollar in your pocket is worth less that a nickel. That means if everyone demanded metal for paper, they would hand everyone a nickel for every dollar. The dollar has a static inflation rate right now of 20 to 1 or 2000%. That is not tomorrow or at some time in the future. That is now. It is just that nobody is acting on it. When banks and nations start acting on the reality of our worthless money, that will be day one of hyperinflation and your dollar will be worth 5 cents. It goes down from there. That $2 loaf of bread will cost 20 times as much, or $40. That 50 pound bag of rice that now costs you $20, will then cost you $400. Each of your 5 pound bags of rice packed in Mylar will suddenly be worth $40 each.
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We do not want to get overly dramatic, but prepping could turn into a matter of life and death for you and your family. And do not think that all our leaders are against hyperinflation. While hyperinflation is bad for some, it is good for others. Those with fixed mortgages will suddenly find themselves in the happy position of being able to pay off their homes in a matter of months because while their wages go up 1000%, their house payment would remain the same. This is true for other debt related finance. It is rumored that the US may force hyperinflation so that it can quickly pay off its foreign debt. However, nations such as China might refuse to accept the worthless dollar, and this strategy would backfire on the US.
Prepping is an investment and a hedge against hyperinflation. That bag of rice will always feed your family for weeks, regardless of what happens to the economy. If nothing happens in your lifetime, then you still have a perfectly good bag of rice.
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A case for prepping 46

"A hundred years ago, having extra supplies in the house was considered completely normal. But that has changed.
A recent survey found that 55 percent of Americans have less than three days supply of food in their homes. Many people have no emergency supplies, or even a first aid kit"​
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A case for prepping 47

One need not be a prophet or an exceedingly wise man to see the warnings that are being shouted out all around us. Trouble is coming. You can prepare for yourself, your family, and your friends; or you can endure the suffering that was not intended for you.

Matthew 16:2-3 KJV
2 He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red.
3 And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?​

When we, by common sense and a solid knowledge of history, can see what is coming, we should discern the signs and the times. A "correction" is coming. Economists from every corner are predicting this. Some predict a small correction while others predict a full collapse on a scale greater than the Great Depression. Climatologists agree that the weather excesses we area experiencing will continue and likely get worse. Sociologists are perplexed that while social and educational would seem to be getting better, crime and sociological problems are increasing. In whatever shape or form the "correction" takes, as a believer, it is not meant for you. What is coming will mainly be an act of nature as it moves to spew perversion and abominations from off the land. This is not meant for the righteous, but the righteous must make common sense preparations for what is coming. This is not only Biblical, but practical.
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Nine out of 10 Americans expect a world disaster to occur in the next quarter century, yet 56% say they aren't prepared, according to a survey conducted for National Geographic Channel. The percentage in the survey of 1,040 adults who predicted the following catastrophes:

Significant hurricane: 58%
Major earthquake: 53%
Terrorist attack: 51%
Financial collapse: 49%
Widespread blackout: 33%
Pandemic: 25%
Nuclear fallout: 13%
Kelton Research
for National Geographic Channel

For as little as $100 a month you can begin to make preparations that will save the lives of your family as well as several other individuals. Within 6 months you can have enough food and other preparations stored to last a year or longer. It all depends on how much you want to allocate to your prepping effort. It is up to you and your conscience how far you take it. The time, money, and effort we put into prepping equates to nothing more than an enjoyable hobby. Yet in less than a year we have accumulated enough food to last us several years. Rice can be bought in bulk for less than $20 for 50 pounds. We purchased 250 1-gallon Mylar bags for less than $100. 250 oxygen absorber packets cost us less than $40. We bagged 100 5 pound bags of rice for less than $240. That is a foundational-level start to food prepping that will last a family of 4 for over a year. Add to this various kinds of beans, dried potatoes, canned garden items, and several dried dairy products, and you will be well on your way to a clean, safe, dependable food stock that will be available to you for decades.
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A case for prepping 49

Look who is Prepping?

Spacious and luxurious multi million dollar bunkers are being built across the country by the federal, state, and local government agencies. The super rich and famous are into bunker building also.

The US Government is Prepping!“

The Government is Building Underground BUNKERS on a Mass Scale!”
October 26th, 2010
InvestmentWatch - Recession, more taxes in the coming decade no matter who is the president​

Government officials are elected to look out for you. They only want to make sure that you're healthy, safe and well protected... right after they make sure that they're healthier, safer and better protected. That's why FEMA has spent 1.3 billion dollars building secret bunkers all across the United States solely to house government officials in case the unthinkable happens.
Cracked.com - America's Only Humor Site | Cracked.com

“If one had to guess, due to a lack of statistical data, one might say that the single largest preparedness goods and services consumer in the world is the U.S. government. They plan for all sorts of disasters… We also know, for a fact, that the US government has built secure bunkers in the past to protect high value personnel like the President of the United States and other elected officials. This was confirmed prior to and during the September 11th attacks, when President Bush and Vice President Cheney were reportedly transferred to secure, undisclosed locations… (The) U.S. government is still engaged in the building of massive underground bunker systems… In fact, the US government is reportedly building so fast and so widespread, that private contractors in the bunker business are having a difficult time obtaining necessary equipment and supplies to continue their developments. Anecdotal reports over the years suggest that the largest buyer of freeze dried goods from major freeze dried food manufacturers is none other than the U.S. government. One of our recommended emergency preparedness partners indicates that they serve not only retail customers, but government entities as well, including the Transportation Security Administration, US State Department, and the Department of Homeland Security.

The government is and has been preparing for something, perhaps many things, for decades. The very existence of FEMA and Department of Homeland Security suggests that they are planning for wide a variety of possibilities. To be clear, the fact that they are planning for something doesn’t necessarily mean that it will happen – just that it’s a possibility.
Those very same people – your neighbors, friends, and family members – who may consider your personal preparedness efforts a little over the top would likely agree that the government spending billions of dollars on emergency preparedness is worthwhile project given the many possibilities for calamity to occur…
The issue, however, is that the government may be spending billions, but they cannot possibly prepare for wide scale, total collapse situations where tens of millions of lives are at risk. It is simply not possible.
Our government, even if they tried, would not be able to stock enough food and resources for the entire population of the United States… The takeaway from understanding that the government is preparing for disasters is to acknowledge that, in an emergency, you and your family may be left floating up the Creek without a paddle… The US government is preparing for large scale disasters. Are you?”
Mac Slavo
October 26th, 2010
"Stuff Hits The Fan" Plan - When the "Stuff Hits The Fan", Don't Say We Didn't Warn You.

Bunker Sales are Skyrocketing across the country. CNN Money reports:

Sales of luxury doomsday bunkers up 1,000%

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- A devastating earthquake strikes Japan. A massive tsunami kills thousands. Fears of a nuclear meltdown run rampant. Bloodshed and violence escalate in Libya.
And U.S. companies selling doomsday bunkers are seeing sales skyrocket anywhere from 20% to 1,000%. Systems, which offers shelters ranging in price from $200,000 to $20 million, has seen sales surge 70% since the uprisings in the Middle East, with the Japanese earthquake only spurring further interest. In hard numbers, that's 12 shelters already booked when the company normally sells four shelters per year.
"Sales have gone through the roof, to the point where we are having trouble keeping up," said Northwest Shelter Systems owner Kevin Thompson.
UndergroundBombShelter.com, which sells portable shelters, bomb shelters and underground bunkers, has seen inquiries soar 400% since the Japanese earthquake. So far sales of its $9,500 nuclear biological chemical shelter tents are at an all-time high -- with four sold in California last week, compared to about one a month normally.
Hardened Structures said inquiries have shot up about 20% since the earthquake -- particularly for its apocalyptic 2012 shelters, radiation-protection tents, and nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) air filters.
Vivos, a company that sells rooms in 200-person doomsday bunkers, has received thousands of applications since the massive earthquake in Japan, with reservations spiking nearly 1,000% last week. And people are backing their fear with cash: A reservation requires a minimum deposit of $5,000.
"People are afraid of the earth-changing events and ripple effects of the earthquake, which led to tsunamis, the nuclear meltdown, and which will lead to radiation and health concerns," said Vivos CEO Robert Vicino. "Where it ends, I don't know. Does it lead to economic collapse? A true economic collapse would lead to anarchy, which could lead to 90% of the population being killed off."
The last time people flocked to purchase bunkers in such droves was right before the Y2K scare, according to Stephen O'Leary, an associate professor at University of Southern California and an expert on apocalyptic thinking.
"Tens of millions of people believe in a literal apocalypse, which involves earthquakes, storms, disasters of global proportions and especially disasters related to the Middle East," O'Leary said.
money.cnn.com/2011/03/22/real-estate/doomsday bunkers/​
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A case for prepping 50

Movie stars and Billionaires are Prepping!

“The US government is the largest shelter builder in the world. It’s been on a shelter building binge for the last 15 years. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been buying up all dehydrated food. Last week alone it purchased five million meals. They are gearing up like you wouldn'’t believe…
Who buys modern shelters? People like the King of Jordan, politicians, movie stars and billionaires in capitols around the world. The construction contract keeps their names and locations secret but Camden admits HS has signed technical assistance agreements with the Turks and Saudis…
“Hardened Structures” is licensed by the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms) allowing it to import biological, chemical and radiation filters into the United States.
‘We have to be certified by the US Government so the material will not be used illegally. The State Department is very serious about this…’”
Brian Camden
Hardened Structures of Virginia Beach Edit International - Feature news stories from around the world

The “High and Mighty” and Prepping!

Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains, an hour’s drive west of Washington D.C., the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was built during the height of the Cold War as part of a ‘federal relocation arc’ of underground facilities designed to house government officials during times of international crisis. As you would expect, very little is known about Mt Weather, but rest assured, there will little point trying to bang on the blast doors when catastrophe strikes. This one is strictly for the high and mighty.
10 Best Bunkers
WH Mumfrey's Survival Journal

The Elite are Prepping!

"Walton McCarthy, owner and principal engineer of Radius Engineering International, builds underground disaster shelters that protect against nuclear, chemical and biological warfare, among other things.
He said his business has tripled since July, when reports of Iranian missile tests surfaced. McCarthy’s disaster shelters hold 10 to 300 people and cost $105,000 to $6 million. His customers include politicians, doctors and key executives."
Survivalist Forum Survival Gear Stuff Hits The Fan" and TEOTWAWKI Articles​

The founder of the VIVOS Group, Robert Vicino, states that there is a network of bunkers across the country near major cities. “The government has these facilities, they just don’t have them for you and me…” ABC News profiled Mr Vicino while he was in the midst of converting a Cold War bunker into a high-end escape pod, with many of the units already sold.
ABC News

The Super-Rich are Prepping!

The Huffington Post ran a piece entitled “Super-Rich Plan To Survive Apocalypse In Underground Luxury Condos” The article reveals plans underway to build multi million dollar underground condos available to only the super rich who can afford them. The article goes on to say:
“But fancy doomsday shelters aren't the only luxurious toys the super-rich have been investing in recently. Some have built emergency rooms in their own homes that cost up to $1 million. While others have bought submarines to reach the deepest place in the ocean.”
By Khadeeja Safdar
Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post

Wall Streeters are Prepping!

Wall Street Adviser:
Stock Up On Guns and Ammo For The Collapse

It’s not every day you hear a Wall Street adviser telling America to start packing heat in preparation for what’s coming, but that’s exactly what David John Marotta says you should be doing. Marotta says that at all times you should have a "bug-out bag" that includes food, a gun and ammo to help stay alive. This bag should have you prepared for at least 72 hours.
Marotta, a top financial adviser and Forbes contributor said in his latest blog post;

"I along with many other economists, agree with many of the concerns expressed in these dire warnings. The growing debt and deficit spending is a tax on those holding dollars. The devaluation in the U.S. dollar risks the dollar’s status as the reserve currency of the world. Obamacare was the worst legislation in the past 75 years. Socialism is on the rise and the NSA really is abrogating vast portions of the Constitution. I don’t disagree with their concerns."
Fox News

FEMA is Prepping!

“The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is contacting storable food suppliers requesting immediate delivery of food reserves within a 24 hour period, increasing suspicions that the federal government is accelerating its preparations for social disorder or an environmental calamity….”
“…In recent years the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been regionalizing disaster supplies and rapidly procuring hundreds of millions of ready-to-eat meals, blankets, and body bags. Coupled with the Department of Homeland Security’s suspiciously massive purchases of ammunition, firearms, and riot gear, it is becoming increasingly clear that the U.S. government is positioning itself in advance of an as of yet unknown widespread calamity,” writes Mac Slavo…”

“…Similar to how the DHS’ huge bullet purchases over the last 18 months have caused shortages in ammunition, bulk food reserves are also becoming more scarce as a result of massive FEMA stockpiling, prompting concerns that “something is ready to pop off…”

FEMA Demanding 24 Hour Delivery of Emergency Food Reserves
Paul Joseph Watson
August 6, 2013

Body bags?
Riot Gear? – why would FEMA need riot gear?

Watson asks a valid question:

“Although FEMA is now purchasing storable food in quantities amounting to $1 billion dollars a year, individual Americans who follow their example by stocking up with bulk food buys are simultaneously being labeled as potential terrorists by the federal government…”

We must admit that FEMA may be just formulating contingency plans. This may just be a “what if” calculation. Yet the fact that they are making such inquiries at all is interesting. We try to stay away from conspiracy theories. Yet the reality is there. They are investigating the need for long term food storage. That should be enough to perk up your ears.
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Well you know 50 should be enough.

I could probably double this with a little effort. But if 50 does not convince then a 100 or 1000000 will not. But I still add more as we go along...

Well in the process I have given away about half of my book "A Christian Approach to Doomsday Prepping" But that is OK. The point is to encourage and exhort believers to make some reasonable and simple preparations for what is obviously coming.

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Jul 18, 2015
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Well you know 50 should be enough.

I could probably double this with a little effort. But if 50 does not convince then a 100 or 1000000 will not. But I still add more as we go along...

Well in the process I have given away about half of my book "A Christian Approach to Doomsday Prepping" But that is OK. The point is to encourage and exhort believers to make some reasonable and simple preparations for what is obviously coming.



What a great and wonderful thread! I believe it is sorely needed in these days. Thank you so much...that was very informative. Blessings to you and yours.
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Well in the Bible it clearly states that no one knows when "doomsday" will happen. So personally I see no reason to prep. Unless it's a zombie apocalypse than I'm going guns a blazing!

Prepping is for natural disasters and hard times, too. For instance, I have a friend who kept a years supply of food in the house. When her husband lost his job, all they had was her meager earnings and he got unemployment. It was not enough for the necessary bills and to feed 5 kids. They lived off that food til he got a job six months later. That is prepping too
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Awakened Sin

Mar 10, 2015
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Prepping is for natural disasters and hard times, too. For instance, I have a friend who kept a years supply of food in the house. When her husband lost his job, all they had was her meager earnings and he got unemployment. It was not enough for the necessary bills and to feed 5 kids. They lived off that food til he got a job 6 months later. That is prepping too
True. I meant mostly revelation, though. You're right though.
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"Doomsday" as in "the end of the world" is just one day. There are 22000 days in our lives. Those are the days we prep for. We prep for the earthquake next week, the famine 30 years from now, or the civil unrest tomorrow. After Sandy and Katrina we saw people standing in line waiting for food. We saw thousands crammed into filthy football stadium. We saw people in NJ dumpster diving for food. We prep for the day after. There will be no "day after" doomsday. But there will be a day after the stock market crashes. Prepping is for the thousands of days where something could happen and your family needs to eat for the months following. People who say they will not prep for whatever reason will wish they had the day after "whatever" hits. I have grandchildren. I prep for them. I cannot bare the thought of watching the belly of my 3 year old great grand daughter swell up due to malnutrician. Nobody could bare such a thought. So they do not think that thought. Head in the sand. They refuse to accept the possibility that such a thing could happen. Because they do not think it, they do nothing to prevent it. Not thinking about it will not prevent it. It will ensure that it happens if some calamity occurs.
Fear? Perhaps we should have a little healthy concern. Fear is sometimes a good thing. As Amos said "when the lion roars, who cannot fear." If you lived in central Africa and you heard a lion roar outside of your village, you would not say "Oh, I am not going to fear, stop trying to manipulate me..." No, you would haul butt into the nearest shelter. Well we are hearing a lion roar outside our village... lets prepare.
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Today there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Christians who are "prepping" for an uncertain future. One poll states there are over 3 million preppers in the USA. I would suggest that the majority of these are Christians. Not "doomsday" preppers because as believers we know that there is not going to be a doomsday as such. We know Jesus is going to return, set up His glorious kingdom... and we rejoice! But we also know that as that wonderful day approaches, there will be much trouble and tribulation; both man made and natural.
I believe this forum would be positive and helpful to those believers who are in prepper mode. It would also serve to help convince other believers to begin prepping for that uncertain future.
What do you suggest for those who want to prep but are limited in their finances? Many people live from paycheck to paycheck and are able to buy just enough food to get them by for now, so how do they prep for the unseen future?
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Sister I totally sympathize with you. I hear people say that prepping is silly and not needed. Then I see on the news that over 45 million are on food stamps. An unbelievable 43% of American families live from paycheck to paycheck. That is over 150 million people! For you who do.... the stuff has already hit the fan. It is no longer a matter of when. That ship has sailed. And yet bobble heads still insist prepping is a waste of time. In 1977 my 3 children, wife, and myself lived in what most would consider a shack for over a year. No running water. No facilities. No car. I walked a mile to work and back. I was bringing home a huge $97 paycheck. We were not living from paycheck to paycheck, we were dying from paycheck to paycheck.
So what do you do? At that point all we had was faith. We had nobody else but God. And He did get us out of there. Of course a grandparent with a generous will had to pass away. I am not sure that is a true victory. Eventually (20 struggling years later) my military service enabled me to go to college and get a degree which (with my wife's income) put us into 6 figures.
I cannot tell you Barb. All I can say is I totally understand what you are going through. Back in the "shack days" there was no way we could have doing anything toward prepping. If you can put $10 a week toward it, then you can begin by buying rice and putting it back. Beans have gone up, mainly because WIC has begun to pay for them and so your friends at the super markets think it is ok to double the price. "Free market?" I don't think so. Lentils are still relatively inexpensive. We are getting them for about a buck and a quarter a pound. Bottom of the barrel I know. But three weeks after the stuff hits the fan, they will be steak.
If you can even spare a little, a stock of rice and beans will at least get your through a few weeks or a month.
One option I would suggest to everyone is to get involved in a group of Christian preppers. These groups are springing up all over the place. Google along these lines and I am sure you will find a group or two in your general area. There are "overground" groups and underground groups. I like the "over ground" groups because there is a tighter band between them people and they are more likely to remain together when and if the stuff hits the fan. Belonging to such a group will multiply the odds of your success.

There are several good books on the subject of prepping on a budget.

A few links:

You are on my prayer list sister.
Love ya
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