Christian Marriage


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Feb 5, 2002
United States
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The purpose of this article is to share what I have learned about Christian marriages. There are many aspects of a true Christian marriage that need to be revealed so that Christians will benefit resulting in highly productive and successful marriages. I believe that the typical teaching of the husband’s and the wife’s respective duties in a marriage relationship is inadequate and falls well below what is necessary to have a successful marriage.

This study?is the result of research, interviews, personal insight and experiences, and the experiences of others. I have been married for about 11 years as of the writing of this article. I have experienced ups and downs as well as confusion as to what marriage is all about. Though I didn’t have specific expectations of my wife and what she should do, I did have a concept of an ideal marriage in my head. This concept of marriage, which I will discuss later, was not consistent with my actual marriage to my wife Carla. Many related areas began to be effected by my not realizing what marriage really is. The concept of love had long left me. The concept of togetherness didn’t seem to exist the way I thought of it. The responsibilities of my wife and myself became unclear. Though I didn’t have a troubled marriage, I do believe that I had an uncertain one.

I therefore began to pray to God to teach me how to establish and maintain an effective, prosperous, and fulfilling marriage. God answered my prayer and is still answering it. I have gained a wealth of information concerning a Christian marriage and am very excited about sharing what I have learned with others. I have found that the typical teachings in the church are very inadequate in helping Christians have a fulfilled marriage. We will see in this article that a Christian marriage is a whole lot more than the husband doing his duty and the wife doing her duty within the relationship.

A Christian marriage can be beautiful if we acquire the necessary information about it from the right source. That source is the Holy Scriptures. I pray that this article will be a blessing to you and result in a prosperous marriage relationship between you and your spouse, or your future spouse.

The Authority of the Scriptures​

Continued below.