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Aug 11, 2023
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Alright, so this is not really a story yet, but I have this fictional alien race named the Xa'na that live on planet Xanadu that I am using for the basis of multiple short stories. The Xa'na are grey skinned humanoids with a similar appearance to humans, but with rougher facial features. These aliens stand at a height of 170 cm (5'7"), and live 70-90 years old.

The planet has multiple countries, each with different sets of laws. Some countries on Xanadu are pro-life and eco-friendly, while others are all about killing. Xa'na technology is about 25 years ahead of ours, so in 1995, advanced AI began to appear. So, once I am done with my war fiction about the Xa'na set in the years 1917-1924, which decade should I cover next? Should I write a constitution for the Mindekowans, a relatively peaceful country on Xanadu? Also, for reference, Faster-Than-Light travel on Xanadu is not invented until 2062, and AI misused FTL travel, so it was banned a few years later until the 2200s.

This is an excerpt of the war fiction I am working on:

The meeting at the Mindekowan Embassy in New Spork discussed the development of stealth technology, the legal implications of stealth paints, and how the Mindekowans were a peaceful, neutral nation which did not want to develop technology for war. Mindekowan Ambassador, Maber Invo had this to say:

“Utilizing Mindekowan ingenuity to develop weapons is against our code of ethics. We are a peaceful nation based upon the native customs of our land, passed down from dozens of generations, and codified into the Mindekowan Standardized Regulatory Directive SRD §2.42c. The only way around this law is that you use the XT-0 aircraft for research or reconnaissance purposes only, and never use it in combat, unless your nation gets attacked first. The manufacturer has agreed to make thirty XT-0 aircraft for you, the first delivered by 802|1|1, and have a test flight by the middle of next year. Mursanian military and Stoneland military are permitted 15 planes each. Reverse engineering of the XT-0 plane is allowed, but only after the war is over. For one, we Mindekowans will not involve ourselves in this Global Conflict besides developing the XT Series Zero aircraft”.

- Ambassador Maber Invo of the Mindekowan Sovereign Nation, 800|9|12

Ambassador Invo was right. If Mindekowa developed this experimental aircraft, it must only be used for research purposes, with one caveat, as the plane can be used in combat if the enemy attacks first. Mindekowan SRD Chapter 2 is an immutable law that is about protecting lives, known as the anti killing act, codified in 1210 A.D on the day Mindekowa was founded, with extra sections such as 2.42 added as recently as 1903 when Mindekowan society evolved into the industrial age. The Chapter 2 law prohibits euthanasia. It also prohibits abortions except under incest, r*pe or risk to both mother and child. Section 2.4 discusses exported technology, while 2.42 is about military tech.