
  1. AlexB23

    The Xa'na Race of Xanadu

    Alright, so this is not really a story yet, but I have this fictional alien race named the Xa'na that live on planet Xanadu that I am using for the basis of multiple short stories. The Xa'na are grey skinned humanoids with a similar appearance to humans, but with rougher facial features. These...
  2. AlexB23

    War Fiction preview (not for those under 15)

    Hello folks. Here is the preview of my war fiction. Have never done this before. The story is set on a pre-space age alien planet with 1940s level tech in the 1910s. This entire war fiction plot covers the issues with populist leaders, propaganda in media, as well as more fictional issues such...
  3. AlexB23

    Star Trek: The Lower Decks is on DVD

    Back in August 2020, Paramount released Lower Decks, a cartoon version of Star Trek for young adults. I tried an episode on a plane ride home from California a few months ago, and it was good. Most young adult cartoons are not interesting in general, as they are too violent or bloody, or just...
  4. AlexB23

    Blue Beetle: A great sci-fi/superhero movie

    Hello folks. Blue Beetle is a great superhero film from DC, and features a Latino college age man who encounters some advanced technology Christian perspective: Movie Review: 'Blue Beetle' - Catholic Review Wikipedia: Blue Beetle (film) - Wikipedia Third-party poster by sweenyswoot:
  5. AlexB23

    Anime Movie: Belle

    Hey guys. So, for those who watch anime movies, have you heard of the movie Belle? I am planning on watching that in early 2024 after the holidays, if it is on DVD to rent from the local library for free. This is a sci-fi and fantasy movie and musical hybrid set in a world about a a woman who...
  6. A

    How Should I Feel About Aliens?

    I know this is somewhat of a dumb question, but I'm fairly new to the faith and I'm still figuring things out. My question is; how should I feel about reading/writing/watching works with aliens in them? Does entertaining the thought of another species with an advanced society insult God? I mean...