
  1. Tranquil Bondservant

    Establishing Secular Morality

    I'm not trying to re-hash my old thread so I thought I would try and do it more directly through questions and get your guys actual opinions & reasoning rather than writing a bunch of posts that amount to epistemological essays. Don't get me wrong, I'll still object and expect you guys to do the...
  2. Tranquil Bondservant

    The Comprehension of the Erasure of a Justification For Morality

    The erasure of our loving God who sets the parameters for our behaviour Though it's never expressed as a stated belief or understood as such, our culture on a most fundamental level in it’s zeitgeist understands the erasure of a justification for moral actions. As seen with how marriages are...
  3. Tranquil Bondservant

    How do Naturalists/Materialists account for the immateriality of morals, laws of logic or information?

    Seems incompatible given that they have no physical properties
  4. zippy2006

    Ur-Platonism, Naturalism, and Atheism

    Fr. James Brent recently gave a talk at the Thomistic Institute entitled, "Responding to Contemporary Atheism." There he argues that contemporary atheism, rather than being simple adherence to a single proposition, is a complex phenomenon. To paraphrase him: "If you've ever gotten into a...
  5. L

    The circular argument of God and miracles

    Let's say that Bob and Alice go to the beach and see someone walking on water. Bob comments, "Wow, I don't understand how this is happening as it appears to defy all laws of physics. I wonder how he is doing it?" Alice answers, "God is causing him to be able to walk on water." Bob says, "But...
  6. rakovsky

    Could the Philosophical & Interpretive Approach of Reformed Protestantism lead out of Christianity?

    (1) Does "Reformed" Protestantism (Calvinism, Presbyterianism, Evangelicalism, etc.) have a solid, clear, direct basis in 1st to 3rd century Christian traditions and writings to claim that the Communion food is in itself "only" a symbol* and to reject Jesus' "real" presence in the elements...