
  1. AlexB23

    Teenager finds ‘holy grail’ Lego octopus from 1997 spill off Cornwall coast

    Plastic can last a long time in the ocean. A container fell off of a ship almost 30 years ago, containing thousands of Lego pieces. But, on the bright side, people can recover the plastic from the ocean. Here is the article link: Teenager finds ‘holy grail’ Lego octopus from 1997 spill off...
  2. Sondog

    Short vid I made that will encourage you to defeat giants in the new year!

    There are giants in life that, like David, we are called to fight for the Kingdom of God. This short little stop-motion animation I made (with my little nephew) may (or may not!) encourage you to do the same...but hopefully it will at least give you a chuckle or two. :)