
  1. G

    Why does God not introduce a *new* forbidden fruit?

    Hi there, This is just a talking point, that proves I've read the Bible from a critical point of view. The question is this: I don't want to prejudice the conversation, so I will wait to see how people approach this question, before writing further. If you need something to go on, maybe...
  2. Danielwright2311

    Theory of Everything: GOD, Devils, Dimensions, Dragons, Illusion & Reality -the Theory of Everything

    The truth that every one must watch.
  3. ChristianGirl_96

    Upcoming evaluation for DSD

    Hello Later this week we have a long awaited autism evaluation for my stepdaughter at a specialist autism clinic. Any advice and tips on what to expect would be appreciated thank you. How long does it take? The only symptom I’ve personally observed in her is her hand flapping. What sort of...