
  1. AetheriusLamia

    Please refute the conclusion that Judaism&Christianity are better explained by ancient aliens than Creator God.

    How would you refute this argument? Would you share resources online or citations for further study? All the history and miracles in the Christian Bible (including Hebrew Scriptures, both Old and New Testament) can be explained by aliens with advanced technology who deceived humans, rather than...
  2. Marcie

    How to believe when reason don't want to let you believe?

    Hi, I'm a non-believer who would like to believe. Right now I just don't know if God exists and despite my desire to believe I just can't force myself to do so. I think I've heard all the logical arguments for the existence of God, and while they do make sense all they do is provide a plausible...
  3. SocratesNow

    What reasoning allows for the transition from Deism to Theism?

    The debate about God's existence is a common one. However, one issue which is rarely, if ever, discussed with enough focus, is the question of what arguments can be used to show how the belief that there was a first creator, an intelligent designer of the universe, can be reasonably translated...
  4. rsj13

    I've gone from agnostic to christian

    Hi all, this is my first post on this forum. For all of my life I have been agnostic. I didn't exactly believe in a God but I was never sure as I felt that the universe was too complex of a place for there to just be nothing. However, recently I felt that God spoke to me. It wasn't an audible...
  5. joinfree

    Any atheist is agnostic. Why? Are they compatible?

    The PhD has said about herself: "The more correct term is agnostic, but I am atheist." in the video: How compatible is following contradiction in any atheist: 1. Atheism in an atheist says "God does not exist. Period.", but 2. Agnosticism in an atheist says: "Possibly there is God." How can...
  6. henacynflin


    Hi, I am not entirely sure I am in the right place. I have recently become interested in moral issues and doubtful about my prior atheism. I have found our society's move to utilitarian ethics worrisome and have found myself, surprisingly, in agreement with Christians when debates arise over...
  7. H

    Guys I don't think I believe in God anymore

    I feel like Christianity is all about self hate since when ever I do normal activities like touch or anything I feel really guilty because God told me not to. And homosexuality is supposedly a "punishment for sinners" which is b.s. to me. The more I think about it the more it feels like...
  8. ☦Marius☦

    Help me find the way.

    Dear readers, I hope that this letter will find someone on this planet who can help me. I feel I have lived 100 years and I am only 20 years of age. I worry that if I cannot find the answers I seek I will either lose my mind or end my life. I am not saying that for attention...
  9. zippy2006

    The meaning of 'atheist'

    There has been much conversation in this forum about the meaning of atheism. I've argued that defining atheism as a mere lack of belief is insufficient (see here, here, and here). I've been told that atheists get to decide what atheism means and that I should just keep quiet. But atheists...
  10. Jaikyuveh

    Questioning Teen Here!

    I'm an 18 year old survivor of familial domestic abuse, with minor PTSD, Depression, generalized anxiety disorder, with succeptibility to schizophrenia. I've always questioned things (why I put my faith as agnostic), and I've never accepted one source or one answer as true. I think questioning...
  11. rakovsky

    Could the Philosophical & Interpretive Approach of Reformed Protestantism lead out of Christianity?

    (1) Does "Reformed" Protestantism (Calvinism, Presbyterianism, Evangelicalism, etc.) have a solid, clear, direct basis in 1st to 3rd century Christian traditions and writings to claim that the Communion food is in itself "only" a symbol* and to reject Jesus' "real" presence in the elements...