
  1. AlexB23

    Teenager finds ‘holy grail’ Lego octopus from 1997 spill off Cornwall coast

    Plastic can last a long time in the ocean. A container fell off of a ship almost 30 years ago, containing thousands of Lego pieces. But, on the bright side, people can recover the plastic from the ocean. Here is the article link: Teenager finds ‘holy grail’ Lego octopus from 1997 spill off...
  2. AlexB23

    Prays for the two people who passed away in a Douglas DC-4 plane in Fairbanks, AK

    My prayers go out to the victims and victims' family members of a DC-4 plane crash in Alaska, and for the accident investigators to determine the cause of the crash. At least the plane was not carrying passengers, but still, two deaths is sad. Article: Plane crashes into river in Alaska...
  3. SpiritSong

    My Friends were in a Horrible Accident

    They were travelling an old country mountain road, came around a blind curve and another car was in their lane facing them. In the head on collision, the other driver was killed. Witnesses who saw the whole thing clearly stated that it was not my friends' fault, they were going the proper speed...
  4. SummerMadness

    Water Slide That Decapitated Boy Violated Basic Design Standards, Indictment Says

    Water Slide That Decapitated Boy Violated Basic Design Standards, Indictment Says
  5. DeerGlow


    Between the east and west parts of an interstate there were a lot of fire trucks, a tow truck, and police. When we got closer, they were pulling this truck (and whatever it seems to have been pulling) out of the hole (or ditch) between the interstate parts. It looked like a bunch of wires and...
  6. DeerGlow

    Interstate Accidents

    On the east-bound highway traffic is stopped or crawling and there is an eighteen-wheeler lodged in a little dark car. Further down on the west-bound side (off the road) a car has all four doors open and people in yellow jackets photographing, lots of police cars and other cleanup cars. The open...