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  1. Lokisdottir

    The Price Gays Pay for Being Unable to Marry

    ' Ward Folsom summed up the total of his disappointment at the court decision like this: "I thought that, just maybe, my partner of 37 years and I could finally 'make it legal.' That time has not come yet. But, I'm only 71, so I could still see it happen!" ' Awww. :(
  2. Lokisdottir

    Do you really care if gays get married?

    I sometimes use my feet to pick up dirty clothes and toss them in the hamper. Is that a sin? :P
  3. Lokisdottir

    Still a virgin?

    Calling rape a sexual act is not equating it to consensual sex. Saying "rape cannot take away one's virginity" is a way of denying that rape has lasting--sometimes permanent--damaging effects. We consider virginity a precious commodity (for reasons I've never quite understood), and so the...
  4. Lokisdottir

    Still a virgin?

    Oh, of course I have. I tell them the truth: that it's none of their damn business. If they push the issue, or insist that my reluctance to give a proper answer means that I've obviously "done it," I repeat that it's none of their damn business, and then stop talking to them if I'm able. I...
  5. Lokisdottir

    Still a virgin?

    Since when is it anybody's business to know whether she's a virgin or not? It seems to me that if someone is important enough to know that our hypothetical rape victim is not a virgin, he or she is important enough to know the whole story. Or should be.
  6. Lokisdottir

    Still a virgin?

    Exactly. Why bother having such a term, if one can decide that one is a virgin again simply because one really, really wants to be? (Incidentally, I don't believe that those who practice the other things you mentioned are virgins, either.) If someone attacks me and cuts off my hand, believing...
  7. Lokisdottir

    Do you really care if gays get married?

    But how is it your choice to make? Why should your moral belief take precedence over my equally strong moral belief, that gay people should be able to be married and that it's unjust to deny it to them? If you say it's because your belief is Christian, I'm afraid that is not a good enough...
  8. Lokisdottir

    Do you really care if gays get married?

    Suppose a gay person, after considering your opinion, decides in the end that he or she does not want to be a Christian and intends to continue to live as an openly gay person. Do you consider it your place to interfere? The vast majority of Christians would agree that it's wrong to force...
  9. Lokisdottir

    Don't worry, it's just the heat...

    I'm in New England as well. I actually begin to feel slightly uncomfortable as soon as the temperature rises above 20°C (68°F). Anything above 30°C (86°F) is almost unbearable. Neither my house nor my fiance's car (my primary mode of transportation) has air conditioning. Help. :(
  10. Lokisdottir

    Animal sacrifice?

    Asatru contains, or contained, an element of animal sacrifice. This might sound awful to those who don't practice or have never studied this religion, but makes more sense when you consider that in "ye olden days" most followers of the Aesir and Vanir were farmers who raised their own meat and...
  11. Lokisdottir

    Lance Bass is gay?!

    *sarcasm hat on* NO WAY! :eek: *sarcasm hat off* ;)
  12. Lokisdottir

    Am I A Biggot?

    No, you're not a bigot. You've shown in your posts that you have no hatred toward gays -- at least, no more than you would have toward gluttons, or the envious, or greedy people, or... This is a view that many people claim to espouse, but betray through their actions. As in, "I hate the sin...
  13. Lokisdottir

    Dakota Fanning Rape Scene in New Movie

    Not that I think that 12 year olds should be having sex, but there is a world of difference between two kids who don't know any better going at it, and a 12 year old being raped by an adult.
  14. Lokisdottir

    About that homosexual life expectancy thing . . .

    A research study conducted in 100,000,000 BCE by a pair of time travelers indicates that there are roughly half a billion dinosaurs on the planet. Since research doesn't go bad, this must still be true.
  15. Lokisdottir

    Spain to Teach Children From Age 10 to Accept Homosexuality

    Sorry, KC, but you're wrong. Since you insist on citing a dishonest study from the 70s which has been refuted over and over (see post #15 in this thread) to support your idea of what the gay lifestyle is like, I can only assume you haven't met very many gay people. As the saying goes, you're...
  16. Lokisdottir

    New York Supreme Court rules on marriage :eek:
  17. Lokisdottir

    Child Free

    Hey, my favorite pastime! :D Yeah, I know I said I'd stay out of this, but it got fun again.
  18. Lokisdottir

    Child Free

    Pompous how? Keep in mind that we don't call ourselves childfree to offend you, the people who have or want kids. If you think we're doing it to spite you, then you're the one who's being pompous. We call ourselves cf in order to identify and meet up with other cf people. We don't sit around...
  19. Lokisdottir

    Child Free

    You are reading way, waaaay too much into it.
  20. Lokisdottir

    Child Free

    True enough. People seem to think that because I won't be reproducing, there'll be fewer people like me around. Unfortunately for them, I don't need to have children in order to have an impact on the world around me. Ideas, opinions, politics aren't hereditary (otherwise I'd be a Republican...