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  1. M

    Church Membership

    1Corinthians 11:19 Amplified: For doubtless there have to be factions or parties among you in order that they who are genuine and of approved fitness may become evident and plainly recognized among you. NIV: No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God's...
  2. M

    Haveing Islamic-esque books

    I disagree. It is true a book by a Muslim on Islam will be full of errors from a Christian point of view. It is still important to see where they are viewing the faith from. Naturally, reading carefully, with your guard up, and referring back to Christian writers, and of course the Bible. How...
  3. M

    The End of the World is Near

    Thief in the night... Are you ready? That is all you need to do... If Jesus didn't know...
  4. M

    What I believe is wrong with WoF

    WoF is like that...
  5. M

    Lets All Agree !!!

    Ask some liberal theologians and see what happens!
  6. M

    Drinking in the closet

    The thought of a "stumbling block" springs to mind.... Potentially it could be and may encourage people with little control over their habits to continue?
  7. M

    What I believe is wrong with WoF

    Word of Faith "methodology" attacks the sovereignty of God: God ain't no vending machine - you cannot "write your own ticket." That is at the heart.
  8. M

    Most Interesting Period?

    May I pick two???????:D :D One: Patristic period - about 100-451 or so. Lots happening, lots of early heresies, creting the language and ideas for the future. Two: Early pre- and post-Reformation, say, about 1500 to about the Council of Trent in 1545. Again, alot of change, people prepared...
  9. M


    The Gospel of Mark: Fast moving, no nonsense, not many "technical" terms. A bit like reading a journalist's report on events they witnessed.
  10. M

    Sola Scriptura

    Why was there a call to SS in the first place? To go against the minds, thoughts and traditions of the church of the time. Prophecies, personal or corporate; visions, personal experience etc, NEVER replaces, supercedes or contradicts Scripture. That is what the reformers fought and died for...
  11. M

    Extra Biblical Writings

    What I was thinking was that the idea of sacrifice for your beliefs. It is unlikely, at the moment at least, that Christians will be killed in most western nations simply for that. But do we avoid even that as our friends will "matyr" us or our work colleagues. We have lost that determination...
  12. M


    I enjoyed these! I do our church's newsletter and I might use a few of these. Is this in the Spirit-Filled section as the others too serious? Or are we just silly? (Only joking - Don't hurt me!)
  13. M

    Extra Biblical Writings

    There was one point where some had to write a little correctively. It is hard to imagine in our day that people were getting a little too eager to seek matyrdom! What is martyrdom to the modern mind? Does it have to be death in the western consciousness? Can we still be a martyr without losing...
  14. M

    Some Flaws/Deficiencies in Pentecostal Spirituality

    1. Yes I agree, although Christ did not say how often to do this. Fellowship meals are also a form of communion. 2. I don't believe this is a 'many' but a 'some.' From the outside looking in, tongues is the obvious gift, a word of knowledge or widom may not be so apparent. 3. Yes and No. I...
  15. M

    Judgmental christian co-worker

    Pray first, talk second. I would ignore the Christian thing - in the sense that you are right, it shouldn't be happening but it is. Your focusing on the contrast might stress you out even more. Follow Matthew 18:15-17, with a few modifications. Talk to them on the quiet, then speak with a...
  16. M

    Peter Garrett

    Christians should be politically active. In exactly what capacity, is debatable. The ALP, do not have a remotely Christian agenda, none of the main parties really do. And, I am sorry, I think he might have sold out.
  17. M

    Baptism in Jesus Name or.....

    I think what accurate is trying to say is that the words are not too important, the act of baptism is the important symbol, the words are descriptive. Yeah?
  18. M


    In a simple way, people die all the time, there has only been one ressurrection. The resurrection is an event unique to Christianity. If you have a Bible go to 1Corinthians, chapter 15, verse 14. the apostle Paul says that if the resurrection is not true, then we may as well all go home. They...
  19. M

    Still aflame or burnt out ?

    Let me first say that I go to a Charismatic Church, so my views will be coloured by that.:) It is often called the "Charismatic Renewal" because it does not seem to be tied to any particular denomination - there are charismatic Baptists (me), Catholics, Anglicans, the works. It can actually...
  20. M


    He is a great preacher, entertaining sure, but he goes deep into the Word. He was at a conference here in Perth last year, and I had the opportunity to hear him and a well known preacher from a large church in Sydney. Phil got quite deep, the other guy was quite shallow.