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    Word Association for Young Adults

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    Is this in any way normal?

    I dont think the o/p is actually considering it, he just thinks things like this and wants help, hes never saying hes really thought about rape.
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    Breaks? I guess

    I have been through this from her point of view. It's a good thing even though it hurts. Just let her know your there, and until she has sorted things out, you're willing to be friends, or just be seperate.
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    Young Adults Question Thread (2)

    The Exodus, or Jesus' life in John What state (or country) are you originally from?
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    Change over to adult Christianity...

    I find that I like it much better on the more "adult" side of things. I feel myself reading for the message, and working on loving God and others more and more everyday.
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    Is this in any way normal?

    Salvation is the only thing that determines wehter or not you get into Heaven, if Christ has saved you, your going in. Normal, unfortunatley probably so, but Healthy or Christian... no. I'm not trying to make fun of you, but this is an issue I would devote serious prayer time to.
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    Word Association for Young Adults

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    Running low on faith

    Praying for you, looks like you have already found advice
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    Word Association for Young Adults

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    Kentucky, anyone?

    Ummm Yeah... Fun state. Actually pretty cool place to live, don't plan on leaving anytime soon. I live in south central kentucky, near Mammoth Cave.
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    Word Association for Young Adults

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    Word Association for Young Adults

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    need help, advice about a friend

    Well the thing about it is, I have "forgiven" people before, but still want to use those things against them. Either directly or in my mind. It's work to not let these things that aare forgiven come up in your mind against that person. Work not to bring up old transgressions in conversations...
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    need help, advice about a friend

    Forgiveness is an act as much as a decision, you have to not use it agaisnt him, however if he keeps doing this, leads to you into fights, anger, maybe it's best if your not around him.
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    How Long?

    I think it depends on the people, my g/f and I have both done a lot of growing, and have been dating for 3 1/3 years now. I don't think I see a lot longer before I ask her, when it feels right.