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  1. tamtam92

    My scientific evidence challenge.

    Really? You mean most of the authors of religious books describe their own experiences? Can you give details? I don't know all the religions very well, but what I read from the Quran, I remember it tooks ideas from the Bible. From what I read in Wikipedia, the book of Mormons tells stories...
  2. tamtam92

    My scientific evidence challenge.

    Didn't know that. I'm not sure you read what I wrote very carefully. The discussion about being foolish was just an aside, not the core of my argument. You're not keen on history, are you? 1/ References? 2/ Truth is gained by majority vote? 3/ show me an unbiased study on that question...
  3. tamtam92

    My scientific evidence challenge.

    There are 23 pages of comments and I'm too lazy to find your definition for "scientific evidence", I'm sorry. My faith is not based on scientific evidence, in any case. It is based on some historical evidence, and a personal experience of the reality of God. My own testimony surely wouldn't...
  4. tamtam92

    My scientific evidence challenge.

    This is a bold statement. I'd like to see some references to support it. To me the single fact that christianity *exists* proves that Jesus has risen from the dead (I wouldn't call that directly evidence, because it requires a bit of thinking, though). As Paul stated, if Christ is not risen...
  5. tamtam92

    Help! What Should I do?

    You shouldn't worry too much about it. If you let God get full control of your life, you can expect he won't do everything as you think it should go. Expect some surprises. Only worry about living with Christ, for Christ. Some people told me I should "pray for my future husband, even before I...
  6. tamtam92

    What do French people eat?

    coffee & baguette, yes, by all means! not the whole baguette though ;-). Only a little bit with jam.
  7. tamtam92

    Help! What Should I do?

    This doesn't sound right. It sounds like the burden falls doubly on the woman, who shares in the work of her husband (as a pastor's wife can't but help him, hospitality, visits, caring for all the people etc.), and must still work full-time. That's 2 full-time jobs for the woman. That can't...
  8. tamtam92

    If women shouldn't speak at all in church....

    Hello JustaUser, Indeed looking into the greek might be helpful. What I know is the Bible reports *a lot* of what some women have said throughout biblical history -- so when studying the Bible, you might actually find yourself studying the words of women, often inspired by God (as Anne...
  9. tamtam92

    Mots d'association

    carte postale
  10. tamtam92


    Salut, Le message est un peu ancien, est-ce que tu as trouvé quelqu'un depuis tout ce temps ? Le plus simple est de trouver quelqu'un dans ton entourage pour pouvoir parler avec. Sinon, je te conseille de commencer à lire en français dès que tu peux, c'est un très bon moyen d'enrichir son...
  11. tamtam92

    What do French people eat?

    I think something that might surprise people is that most of the time we get three course meal: entrée, plat, dessert. Maybe not when eating at home, where we can skip the entrée or insert the fromage after the plat at will, but at the cafeteria at work or in the restaurant, it is very typical...
  12. tamtam92

    Meilleur traduction du Bible en francais?

    Bonjour Begat, Effectivement, il paraît que Segond était libéral. Mais la Segond reste une version suffisamment littérale pour rester populaire parmi les plus fondamentalistes. Elle a été révisée plusieurs fois, mais même la version de 1910 n'est pas dans un langage désuet -- juste du...
  13. tamtam92

    Being single (pathetic)

    Maybe you should just start reading your Bible and dedicate your life to God. Think you live for God and not for yourself. Start considering other people's problems and try to help them. I find reading the Psalms refreshing when i feel depressed. Count the blessings you have.
  14. tamtam92


    Bonjour, Je pense que c'est répandu chez les protestants réformés. Chez les Baptistes, cela va dépendre des courants. Je pense qu'il y a actuellement 2 courants principaux. 1/ l'Alliance Baptiste de France (ABF), et 2/ L'Association évangélique d'Églises baptistes de langue française (AEEBLF)...
  15. tamtam92

    Europe and Islam

    That might well be. In France, they're now about 5 millions i think (total 64 millions). Whatever. They need the gospel as much as the other europeans.
  16. tamtam92

    Christian Support for Israel

    I recently read a book by Jack Kincaid ("Between 2 fires") about evangelical christians in Palestine. I'm just thinking how they suffer knowing there are christians ready to support Israel at all events. I'd rather pray that jews and muslims were saved by grace than for the victory of a nation...
  17. tamtam92

    Faisons connaissance...

    Salut -- je refais pas une mise à jour tout de suite... j'ai bien délaissé le forum ces derniers temps... dommage qu'il n'y ait toujours personne pour le faire vivre...
  18. tamtam92

    Question reponse!

    En France, à la campagne. Comment participez-vous à la vie de votre église ?
  19. tamtam92

    Le tour de France

    2A - Corse du Sud Chef-lieu : Ajaccio
  20. tamtam92

    Vrai ou faux?

    Ben... en fait je sais pas. Ptêt' ben qu'oui, ptêt' ben qu'non. Est-ce que vous savez nager ?