Search results

  1. layne


    I'm wonder if anyone knows of any christian groups that are along the lines of Ministry, KMFDM, Skinny Puppy, NIN, etc? Thanks!
  2. layne


    I know I've posted about this before, but I found a link with so many bands listed the other day, and thought I should share. I've only heard of a few of these, but can't wait to hear more. I love being able to listen to music that rocks, but isn't evil! ^_^...
  3. layne

    Metal rawks!

    I finally went to a christian publications store, and bought 4 CDs today. Extol, 2 Zoa ones, and Demon Hunter. I'm going to listen to them now! Yay! :clap: Does anyone have any further suggestions about metal bands? Nothing mellow, stuff that induces rawking out.. y'know!? I remember Mr...
  4. layne

    Wow, God rules!!

    I've been rather stressed, unmotivated, the whole nine yards lately. I haven't worked for awhile, and my health has stunk. I was figuring out what the exact funds were that I required for moving and getting my stuff together, and it came to about $2000. Now, where on earth would I just come...
  5. layne

    I'm Boycotting Starbucks..

    I don't drink coffee, but if I did, I definitely wouldn't go to Starbucks! This article is about Starbucks filing a lawsuit against a small aboriginal-owned business. (You may have seen this on the MSN start-up page.) My grandmother was from that tribe, so I thought I'd help spread the word...
  6. layne

    Kombucha Mushrooms There's the info about these mushrooms. They supposedly help many health issues.. Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks! :)
  7. layne

    I need some prayers

    I've been really sick for the past while, and missed a lot of work. I am taking a sick-leave from work now, and it'll probably be a permanent thing. I may look for another job if and when I'm feeling better. I am going to be tested for Crohn's disease next month, so I kinda hope that test comes...
  8. layne

    Metal and punk bands?

    Can anyone give me the names of some rockin' bands? I am looking for metal bands more along the lines of Sepultura or Slayer, not like Linkin Park or any of those pop bands. And for punk, well, punk is punk, but I prefer faster stuff, and don't like popish stuff like Blink. Thanks! :)
  9. layne


    RULE! :clap: So, is anyone else from Cow Town? :D
  10. layne

    The Torah

    I don't really know anything about the Torah, other than that it's the first 5 books of the Bible, and has 600+ commandments or something. I have talked with some people who believe it's absolutely necessary to follow the Torah, despite the changes made during the New Testament. They aren't...
  11. layne

    Sin and quality of life

    Do any of your find that when you're "good", everything else in your life is good? I am really starting to believe that the more I sin, the worse my health will be. I was raised in a strict christian home until I was 15 or so. My health is my main problem, since I had my colon removed when I...
  12. layne

    Q regarding religions and the trinity

    Which religions do not adheer to the doctrine of the Trinity? I know Jehovah's Witnesses and Iglesias Ni Cristo (?) don't. Are there any others? Thanks :)
  13. layne


    I attend a charismatic sorta church, but being as I'm fairly new to that sort of church scene, I don't understand everything that's going on. I don't really understand why some people say they started talking in tongues after they were saved? Does this mean they can suddenly speak another actual...
  14. layne

    Allergy Testing?

    I have to go for allergy testing tomorrow... what should I be expecting? Needles? Lots of needles!? :sick: Will I have a reason to not go back to work afterwards? :cool:
  15. layne


    Just a thread to test my thingamaboober out!
  16. layne

    Do we need to accept the Trinity to be saved?

    Do you believe that we absolutely must be right about our beliefs concerning the truth about God and Jesus to be saved? For example, judgement day arrives, and it turns out that the Trinity is wrong, will GOD take it into account that someone believes in the Trinity? Or will He only...
  17. layne

    Are there any Canadians in here?

    <DIV>Hey all! I'm looking for any info about good churches to go to or christian group to join.</DIV> <DIV>I live in Calgary, Alberta.</DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV>Thanks! :) </DIV>
  18. layne

    Do you think any one denomination is right?

    <DIV>I want to start going to attending&nbsp; church... :help: </DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV>Is there any scriptural advice on which church to join? Do you think God will send a sure fire sign if I pray? :pray:&nbsp; </DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV>(Every time I have prayed for help in this...
  19. layne

    What does being a christian mean and entail of one?

    I decided quite awhile ago that I wanted to become a christian. I haven't found a church I like, or feel I have given up all things that are morally wrong yet. So, I am curious about what kind of things I should do to make myself a better chrisian. Another thing I wonder about is the kind...