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  1. ifriit

    Boys will be men

    Actually, the tendency to marry in the early twenties in the 1950s was actually a swing from the past trend--before that, the trend had been to marry later and later. This drop in marriage age coincided with a rise in moral conservatism and was shortly followed by a skyrocketing rate of divorce.
  2. ifriit

    Genetics is an enemy of evolution!

    Ah, but the issue of endogenous retroviruses has nothing to do with the evolutionary relationship of humans to the viruses, but rather that the viruses tag organisms in a statistically unique fashion. All humans share certain viral tags. Furthermore, all humans and chimpanzees share some of...
  3. ifriit

    Endogenous retroviruses

  4. ifriit

    Is the Bible reliable...

    This might explain the lack of substance in your posts, John. :P ;)
  5. ifriit

    A little Q and A.

    Postmodernist nonsense. Really, is this the best defense Creationists can offer, that facts are opinions?
  6. ifriit

    descrimination against pro-life?

    It seems implied here that stereotyping is a bad thing, but that would make you a hypocrite, wouldn't it?
  7. ifriit

    Pope Says 'No' to Sports on Sunday

    Given that by Catholic doctrine, all Christians are Catholics (Protestants are merely heretical Catholics), this is intended to be binding on all Christians.
  8. ifriit

    Martian Civilizations?

    Funniest. Quote. EVAR.
  9. ifriit

    Non-viral computer pranks

    The best pranks I know of were (1) taking all the keys and rearranging them in alphabetical order and (2) unplugging the keyboard and mouse from the victim's computer and plugging another set into it. You can really have a lot of fun with the second one and a dumb victim.
  10. ifriit

    For the YECs: Why is it...

    If you're going to quote, at least do it correctly. The quote is "God does not play dice with the universe," and the quote refers to quantum mechanics and Einstein's refusal to believe its validity. It has nothing to do with evolutionary theory.
  11. ifriit

    Endogenous retroviruses

  12. ifriit

    World running low on oil

    Quite true, I was simply addressing what seems to be a common concept, that hydrogen is an energy source similar to petroleum to be gathered for a net gain. It seems that the US media has focussed very heavily on this lately as the replacement for oil, and little mention is made of any actual...
  13. ifriit

    World running low on oil

    Note that, as it currently stands, hydrogen fuel isn't actually an energy source--we currently have to create hydrogen at an energy cost. Apparently some scientists believe that we will be able to process rock to extract hydrogen efficiently, but that's still quite a ways off. We should...
  14. ifriit

    Dinosaurs after the flood

    Hm, good point. According to what I've been able to find (primarily here), it appears the dinosaurs likely did have penises, though they were probably concealed until copulation, but their gonads were most likely completely concealed. So it seems that my initial statement was incorrect, but...
  15. ifriit

    Dinosaurs after the flood

    The "tail" in Job 40:17 is a euphemism for penis, according to sources modern and ancient. Dinosaurs did not have penises.
  16. ifriit

    Dreamworks Mob Vows Revenge Upon Mel Gibson !

    Here is the article mentioned from the NY Times. I note that the article doesn't attack the movie or Mr. Gibson, contrary to the NewsMax claim. Also of interest is the Editor's Note at the end, indicating that neither Geffen nor Katzenberg has expressed any anger over the film, and that the...
  17. ifriit

    Israeli Lwmaker Wants Mel Gibson On Trial !

    Clarification: it isn't a lawmaker, it's a politician. It appears he is not in office. This seems about as worrisome as Lyndon LaRouche's endless insanity. I mean, really--who cares if some nutball fringe Israeli spouts off?
  18. ifriit

    Creation Vs. Evolution

    This is plainly a denial of any of the discussion that goes on in this forum. Hovind does get called a lot of names, but they're always because the man has been shown repeatedly to be either dishonest or incompetent. We're talking about evolutionary theory here. Perhaps there are other...
  19. ifriit

    Whence come young Earth creationists?

    Here we get into a semantic issue: what consitutes a reason to live? Many Christians insist a reason to live must originate from an eternal source. If this is your claim, there is no reason to live, yet I find my internally generated reasons adequate nonetheless. Why must there be no hope...
  20. ifriit

    The blood-stained ‘century of evolution’

    Yes, and you're wrong because you're a moron. Now that we've got the insults off our chests, would you care to make a case for your claims, or is all you have to offer ad hominem? You could at least show a little effort in comprehending what you parrot.