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  1. Hieronymus

    Am I a sadist?

    Does that mean you write to share with other fans?
  2. Hieronymus


    Yes, kind of "already, but not yet".
  3. Hieronymus

    Am I a sadist?

    I'm sorry you're struggling with this that bad. So it seems to be related to writing and coming up with stories and scenarios. Do you write with a particular audience in mind?
  4. Hieronymus

    Am I a sadist?

    Thankfully, there's a difference between what we sometimes think and what we actually (would) do.
  5. Hieronymus

    How does the Holy Spirit teach us?

    He provides discernment.
  6. Hieronymus

    Social inequality is evil

    Equal opportunities is the answer, but may not be enough.
  7. Hieronymus

    A Poll About The Cop

    Who knows nowadays? The pandemic didn't work as hoped, so let's go for a good old fashioned race war instead...
  8. Hieronymus

    Coronavirus, a Staged Crisis; 5G & the Coming New World Order

    Truns out to be 850 Corona deaths in Japan, out of 126 million Japanese inhabitants. No lockdown.
  9. Hieronymus

    Teen Protester Killed In Detroit In Drive-by Shooting

    I'd say those who want chaos and race war.
  10. Hieronymus

    Trump says no to a second closure

    Even the biggest Trump haters will realize that the cure should not be worse than the disease.
  11. Hieronymus

    Over Six Hundred DOCTORS Send Letter To Trump Demanding Economy Be Reopened

    Look at all the lock down lovers believing they know what's up better than these 600 brave doctors, who are obviously not the only doctors that disagree with the current state of affairs.
  12. Hieronymus

    I am stuck thinking I need to prove faith to Evolutionists, when the Bible says "they're deluded"

    It does say that man has no excuse for thinking living nature is not created. No, the word 'evolutionists' is not used..
  13. Hieronymus

    Woman with Lupus Catches CoVid-19 - Hydroxychloroquine

    Hopefully people will learn about the wide and successful usage and testing of HCQ against Covid-19 (or other Corona viruses) in stead of drinking the main stream Fear Aide.
  14. Hieronymus

    Obituary: Ravi Zacharias

    Shame, i liked him too. He will be missed, but he's going Home now.
  15. Hieronymus

    Hades Is A Real Place of Torment and Agony

    It's a parable, based on folklore.
  16. Hieronymus

    Ongoing Purge of Executive Branch Oversight

    Draining the swamp.
  17. Hieronymus

    Trump Will Reject Election Results

    Because there was.
  18. Hieronymus

    Can you explain the pause in CC

    This is the controversial "adjusted" graph they use to scare the heck out of us.