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  1. o2bjenni

    He gives us exactly what we need when we need it.

    I had to laugh a little at how perfectly this summed up. Sometimes God is very consice and to the point. Here's what happened. I was watching a show that creeped me out and it was dark in the house. The show was about robots and how they might take over the world. Well, my active imagination...
  2. o2bjenni

    God is faithful. he delivers his promises.

    I have so much to pray for. So much to thank God for. So much to beg of him. He knows my heart. He knows my pain. He knows what I want to say. Even when I have trouble forming the thought for myself. He knows the groaning my soul does. He understands it. He has answered my prayers. I know he is...
  3. o2bjenni


  4. o2bjenni

    from cutting to eternity. confessions of a former cutter.

    I started cutting when I was 12 years old following a pretty traumatizing sexual experience. It became something i could depend on to level out my emotions. I successfully hid my addiction from everyone for all my teen years and into my twenties. At some point I decided to give it up, but by...
  5. o2bjenni

    can satanists really be saved?

    I just read a story about a woman who was raised in a satanic family and used for satanic rituals and bred by men in the group to make a baby they could sacrifice. She said she got saved and that she now has a great relationship with Jesus, but she also said that on his deathbed, her father(who...
  6. o2bjenni

    dear God

    Help me share your truth with them. Give me wisdom and understanding. Let me see through their eyes. Let me give them the hope that was given to me. Let me be your vessel. Grow in me my faith. Build up a bigger house for you in my heart. Let it be built strong and unshakeable. Leave room for...
  7. o2bjenni

    tonight is my first celebrate recovery meeting.

    I went to the newcomers group last week and decided that it's something I wanna check out. I prayed and prayed about which group would best serve me and I think I even have that figured out now. I know what to expect and I'm prepared. So why am I so scared? Tonight I'm going to tell my story. I...
  8. o2bjenni

    What if your abuser goes unpunished?

    I was sexually abused by my older brother when I was 12. I didn't tell my Mom until after my dad died nearly 15 years after the incident. He is now transitioning and my Mom is accepting him as a her. I can not, and will not ever accept this. He is just making himself a new disguise. He is still...
  9. o2bjenni

    Shame, Christian... Shame...

    I am a monster. I was pure, then he poisoned my heart. Now I hate. Now I struggle to see the beauty of anything. I struggle to pray. I struggle to exist. The constant pull of the pit is exhausting. Sometimes I almost want to just give in to make the agony end. But I know in my bones that You...
  10. o2bjenni

    When a Christian wants to die... What's a girl to do?

    There are a lot of us out there that just don't want to live anymore. This life has just become one big heartache and we are sick of it. We pray for God to end our suffering and every time we finish that prayer we think of Jesus in the garden the night he was arrested. We remember Jesus saying...
  11. o2bjenni

    personal prayer

    Dear God Me again. I hope you don't mind me talking to you this way. for some reason it helps me clear my mind. I want to thank you for all you do in my life. I also have a question. Why do I feel like dying? What is this pull to the grave I feel? I'm not unhappy. Least I don't think I am. most...
  12. o2bjenni

    Dear Jesse,

    Dear Jesse, I still remember that night like it happened yesterday. You came and you got me. I trusted you. You betrayed me. You broke me. You left evil inside of me that's been poisoning my soul ever since. You tainted me. You stole my greatest joy, my outlook on life. You emotionally stunted...
  13. o2bjenni

    dear god

    Please come to me. Please help me. Give me strength. Give me courage. Help others too. But Lord, I can't see their problems through the grief of my own. I'm so lost. I'm so alone. I have no direction. I just can't seem to find my way. I can't figure out if Brent loves me why he is letting me...
  14. o2bjenni

    "Ella es fea" -Casa Molina staff

    So last night I went to a local Mexican fine dining restaurant after callimng in a pickup. A little basckstory: I am not fluent in Spanish, but being raised so close to the border I have picked up quite a bit and understand more than people realize. In my area white people are the minority and...
  15. Baby Axel's poem- Neuroblastoma

    Baby Axel's poem- Neuroblastoma

    I've never met you but know that I care I've never held you and stroked your hair You've never cried and clung to me tight. You've never known but sometimes I pray all night Sweet baby boy, so gentle and kind Let him be healed our peace we will find I believe in miracles when I look at the moon...
  16. o2bjenni

    Baby Axel starts Chemo next week... Please dont stop praying.

    He is comforting his mommy saying he will get better soon and don't cry Mommy. :( Such a sweet selfless little boy. Please God let this cause go viral. Please alert all your prayer warriors to baby Axel's neuroblastoma so we can all join together and ask for healing for this poor baby. Please...
  17. o2bjenni

    Cancer? he's only 3.

    My nephew Axel was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. How is this happening? Our family has already been through enough. This isn't fair. We just lost our dad. Don't let us lose a baby too. Please Lord. Help us find a bone marrow match. Help me be a match. Please help us. If you're reading...
  18. o2bjenni

    Question about Muslims... Sorry....

    I am wondering about the culture of the women. How do they conduct themselves with strangers? Is it a cultural trait to stare at people? It is normal to invite a complete stranger to your house for lunch? I ask because this happened to me: I work at a school at a parent whom I've never laid...
  19. o2bjenni

    first poem in about ten years.... I'd love some feedback.... how did I do?

    I know how it feels, I know what its like. The pain and the hurt you hold deep inside. It's keeping you wide awake at night. The loss and the memories. Are holding you you down. Telling you its hopeless now. But there's someone who can help you. He's helping us all. Someone who knows you...
  20. o2bjenni

    God in the workplace

    When Jesus told us to be the light of the world I never imagined that extended to work life. I always joked like they did and went with the flow. I've been coming to a realization for a few weeks. I can't be a work hypocrite. I have to go to work and work harder than the rest. When someone uses...