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    "Electing Not to Vote"

    Electing Not to Vote, edited by Ted Lewis, published by Cascade Books, 2008 (126 pages) is a compendium on nine chapters by nine authors on the subject of voting. The book is referenced here as a springboard for discussion. Here are a couple of quotes to kick things off from Chapter 2 which is...
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    The Sugar Association & Harvard: Purveyors of Misery and Death

    How many thousands - or even millions - of people have died because of what this industry association and Harvard “scientists” did? When the tobacco industry did this they had to pay. Will the sugar industry have to pay? How about Harvard (with a $36.4 billion endowment by far the largest in...
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    European Physicists, US and Canadian Architects, Engineers: WTC 9/11 was controlled demoliti (MOVEd)

    European physicists, architects, and engineers have joined US physicists, architects, and engineers who have investigated the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers and found the evidence points to destruction by controlled demolition, not airplane strikes. “It bears repeating that...
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    "Are You a Mind-Controlled CIA Stooge?" - past US Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr Paul Craig Roberts

    Catchy subject line, huh? It’s actually the title of the below article by Dr Paul Craig Roberts. Also below is a photo and short bio of Dr. Roberts. Before you blow this post off without reading further, please note that the below article is about a very interesting peer reviewed new book by...
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    "The High Cost of American Hubris": "... morally and intellectually bankrupt"

    A few snippets: “Americans have paid a very high price for the Establishment’s imperial ambitions, a price passing a breaking point in blood and money, a problem that must be addressed with realism and humility, explains Natylie Baldwin.” ..... “At a time when Washington is experiencing the...
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    US involvement in slaughter of 500,000 Indonesians

    Full article: Snippet: Now that the Indonesian government has officially opened a probe into what the CIA called “one of the worst mass murders of the 20thcentury,” it’s time for the U.S. government to come clean about...
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    Inside story: How the news is slanted

    Full article: Excerpts: "Though it may be hard to remember – amid today’s proliferation of cable channels and Internet sites – CBS, along with NBC and ABC, wielded powerful control over what the American people got to...
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    Bush 41's October Surprise Denials

    Full article: Snippet: Exclusive: “Deny everything,” British traitor Kim Philby said, explaining how the powerful can bluff past their crimes, a truism known to George H.W. Bush when he denied charges of his own near...
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    Dutch Voters Reject Ukraine Deal

    Snippet: Dutch voters struck a blow against the E.U.’s Ukrainian association agreement – and the incessant Russia-bashing that has surrounded it – creating hope for less belligerence in Europe, writes Gilbert Doctorow. By Gilbert Doctorow On this overcast Thursday morning in Brussels, the...
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    A Media Unmoored from Facts

    Full article: Snippet: Several weeks ago, I received a phone call from legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh who had seen one of my recent storiesabout Syria and wanted to commiserate over the state of modern...
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    Could the use of this revolutionize and rejuvenate CF? Snippet: Hadaker's research focuses on the escalation of messages online, which can intensify from annoying to threatening. Abusive...
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    Does anyone realize how we're paying the media to lie to us?

    Full article: Snippet: While the American neocons may fantasize that they can generate enough economic pain and political dissension inside Russia to achieve Putin’s removal, their expectation that he will be followed by...
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    Will Donald Trump be "burned at the stake"?

    Snippet: No one in the US has dared question this post-war imperial status quo until the bulldozing Mr. Trump. Small wonder he is so hated and vilified. Trump directly threatens America’s military-industrial-Wall Street complex and its role as a world hegemon. Trump questions carte blanche...
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    Taking Aim at Russia’s ‘Underbelly’

    While loudly complaining about “Russian aggression,” the U.S. government escalates plans for encircling Russia in a modern “Great Game,” writes Jonathan Marshall. Full article: Snippets: Two hundred years after the “Great...
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    Times Square Evacuated

    Dozens of police officers searched a moving truck with an East New York, Brooklyn, address on the side of the vehicle, although officials say it was licensed in Georgia. Officers noticed 'wires extending out from the dashboard' and gas canisters behind the seat.
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    EPA Busted for Laissez-Faire Oversight of Fracking Poison Wells

    Full article: Snippet: A federal watchdog reported that regulators at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) aren't bothering to collect enough information necessary to ensure that...
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    US Troops On Russia's Borders

    Official Washington’s hype about “Russian aggression” has cloaked a U.S. military buildup on Russia’s borders, possibly increasing risks of escalation and even world war, explains ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. Full article:
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    Why was the "Conspiracy Theories" Forum Created ?

    I recall when the "Conspiracy Theories" forum was first started by CF, and at the time I worried about its creation and how it would be used. Now that I've had a thread moved there that obviously falls outside the realm of "conspiracy theory" I'm more motivated to attempt to explore the thinking...
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    Move of "Start of a New World War" to "Conspiracy Theories" forum

    When I asked for an explanation of why my thread "Start of a New World War" was moved to the "Conspiracy Theories" forum, I was told it was done in accordance with a directive from "Senior Staff" and was told an explanation would be relayed to me, but all no more has been forthcoming. I'm very...
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    A European "Patriot Act" will not keep people safe

    Full article by Ron Paul: Snippets: "It was not long after last week’s horrifying bombings in Brussels that the so-called security experts were out warning that Europeans must give up more of their...