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    What songs have taught you life lessons?

    Feel free to post a youtube links, an explanation why, lyrics, or as many songs as you want! :)
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    Are "other gods" real? Or just a figment of their imagination? The Moabite god was Chemosh, it seems. Did the king sacrifice to Chemosh? Was the "fury against Israel" from Chemosh?
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    What secular songs DOUBLE as worship music for you?

    What secular songs encourage you --as a Christian? Feel free to explain, post a video, discuss...
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    looking for a verse; something like: "there are unbelievers more righteous than you"

    In the verse, whoever is speaking is talking to a Christian. If it's not the word "righteous" then it's something along the lines of "there are unbelievers who do more good than you" or something like that... I'd really appreciate it!
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    Great News Network

    Good times! :hug:
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    "Only boring people get bored"

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    Should CF have a heart "smilie"?

    :confused: <3
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    What exactly is flattery?

    A man who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his feet. Proverbs 29:5 Since nobody is perfect, is it flattery to tell someone that they are wise? Only God can embody that word perfectly. I don't feel telling somebody that they're being wise is flattery, just outright "you are wise."...
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    trying this again

    I did a bunch of things that made my atheist/agnostic friends angry at me before I became a Christian and after. Please pray that they stop hating me. Thank you!
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    Opinions on how Joyce Meyers is a false prophet?

    Why do you think so? Or why not? I'm not interested in argument, I'd just like to know why you think so. Thanks. Philippians 1:18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.
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    UNban Me Game

    UNban the person above you and state a reason!
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    Baptizing babies?

    Yes or no? Does it count? Do they need to be knowingly baptized a second time?
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    share your compassion

    Compassion Pit
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    33 Questions

    1. What Do You Do For A Living? You may not know what you’re really doing for a living. You may think you have a job, but you’re actually just selling your time. And that comes down to selling your life. And that means you’re living your life by selling it. And you may not even know...
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    where Jesus tells someone that the Coming won't be what they think it is?

    A "be careful what you wish for" type of thing Or something like that. I can't find it...still searchin'
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    unrequited love

    I keep having dreams about a guy that I can't have in real life. Nothing sexual. It's really confusing after I wake up and the dreams are pleasant. "Every good gift is from God" is what confuses me
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    What is your typical Sabbath day like?

    What are some things you avoid on the Sabbath? Thank you. If you don't practice it, don't answer. Please. Romans 14:5-6 One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.
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    Adopting children without a spouse?

    Ethical? Why or why not?
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    RSS Feed Subscriptions

    I'm curious to know which you subscribe to. Thank you!
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    Different fasting methods.

    What have you fasted from in the past?