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  1. M

    What is your favorite bible passage

    that gives you hope and inspiration?
  2. M

    Why would God answer my prayers

    but let millions of children starve to death every year. I want to believe in Providence and divine will, but the doubt outweighs the certainty. I read something recently in a book by St. John of the Cross...there was one part that really stuck with me. I'm paraphrasing but it went something...
  3. M

    Anyone experience this?

    Thomas Merton on the Dark Night of the Soul “During the ‘dark night’ of the feelings and senses, anxiety is felt in prayer, often acutely. This is necessary, because this spiritual night marks the transfer of the full, free control of our inner life into the hands of a superior...
  4. M

    Dealing With Doubt

    I am having some serious doubts about my faith. As I'm getting older (19) I feel I am losing that relationship with God, which in a sense, was what my life revolved around. Every decision I made was based on whether or not that decision was morally sufficient to Gods standards. Now, my whole...
  5. M

    Lost God's Presence

    It seems that ever since I was 17, I no longer felt God's presence. All my life I'd always felt close to God, now he is nowhere to be found. Maybe this is just part of getting older and realizing that I have to be responsible for all my actions and to not rely on God. I'm 19 now and I feel cut...
  6. M

    What is the point in Free Will?

    Why would God give us free will if he knows what's going to happen. If he is an omniscient God he would obviously know our future and in his mind our actions are predetermined. So, do we really even have free will at all?
  7. M

    Dark Night of the Soul

    Why would God interfere with us if he gave us free will? Does he really interfere? I was reading writings by St. John of the Cross and I am kind of baffled by how God can put us through something like that. Purging the soul of all senses, throwing us into despair for years, to bring us closer to...
  8. M

    Carl Jung, Synchronicity, pointers from God?

    Have any of you ever experienced synchronicity and do you think this could be a sign from God?