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  1. S

    Wife had affair for seven years, Kids 6 and 5

    I am just reading through your thread for the first time, and I am so, so sorry this is happening. I have dealt and am currently dealing with some infidelity-related issues in my own marriage (although not a physical affair), and I can only imagine the pain you are going through. What I am...
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    Feel like my experience isn't needed

    I'm glad the two of you are working it out. Congratulations on your new daughter! :)
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    Extended family kid issue

    Then I absolutely would not allow my child to be exposed to his behavior, particularly if his parents are in denial about it being a problem. I would do my best to urge them to take him to a different counselor, because his behavior is definitely NOT normal.
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    Extended family kid issue

    I agree with the above. I think it is absolutely reasonable for you to avoid contact between your nephew and your 2 year old daughter. That may or may not be difficult depending on family dynamics, but I think it is perfectly rational to stand your ground on that point right now. Do the...
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    Touching increase feelings

    I very much appreciate the little gestures of affection my husband shows me throughout the day. Hugs, holding my hand, rubbing my back - all of the above make me feel noticed and loved. :)
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    Feel like my experience isn't needed

    I agree with you that in many aspects of infant care, there is not a definite right or wrong way to do things. I think most disagreements among new parents would fall into that category, and I think that it is often wise for new parents to simply acquiesce to one another on such issues. While...
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    So miserable in my marriage! Someone please tell me how to fix this!

    Your situation sounds very frustrating. If your husband will not go to counselling, I think you should go to a marriage counselor by yourself to seek some advice on how to handle this. And I think that TODAY you should drive to the store, buy some light bulbs, and replace the bulbs in your den...
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    Feel like my experience isn't needed

    If it was a dire matter of the health or life of the child, the issue should be pressed with the other parent. Resources for information should be sought and presented, and discussion should ensue until agreement is reached. The same should occur with any parenting philosophies that one party...
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    Feel like my experience isn't needed

    I can't speak for your child's mother, but when I read your post I thought back to my own experience of my first delivery. When a person becomes a parent for the first time, they must navigate through the process of forming a new identity for themselves in relationship to their new child as a...
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    Baptism in WELS

    Thank you very much for your response! :)
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    Baptism in WELS

    I have a question about policies concerning baptism in a WELS church. I've been asked to be a godparent to a child who is being baptized in a WELS church, and I would be honored to serve in that role. However, I attend an ELCA church and have never been a member of a WELS congregation. My...
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    Losing faith.

    I have been where you are in your thinking. I think the responses you've received so far (from people far wiser than I) have given you a lot of good avenues to pursue as you investigate your questions further. There are just a couple of things I want to add: This used to be a major stumbling...
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    Question on Angels

    It's a two page article summarizing the Lutheran perspective on angels. I imagine you might be able to find it if you search on the LCMS website - maybe you might be able to open it from there? ETA: I found it on the LCMS site just by searching "angels". It is in PDF format on that site also...
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    Question on Angels

    DaRev, thank you for posting that link. Very interesting.
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    Coming to agreement on financial giving to the church

    Thanks for the reply, Cute Tink. I appreciate hearing your perspective.
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    Coming to agreement on financial giving to the church

    Thanks for your reply. I can understand where you're coming from. While we do both earn an income, in our marriage we have really tried to get away from thinking of financial resources as "yours and mine" (both now and when I used to stay home when our children were younger), and that has...
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    Coming to agreement on financial giving to the church

    I think my husband at this point would best be described as apatheistic - not a believer, and not really interested in thinking about or discussing religion. He does come to church with me and listens respectfully, but does not generally otherwise participate. Our children are involved in the...
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    Remarriage after divorce

    Your post made me think about the many examples of polygamy in the bible. From my (admittedly limited) understanding of scripture, it seems clear that God's intention was for marriage to be between one man and one woman. But in the case of David, we are not told that God became angry with...
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    Remarriage after divorce

    Is it possible that in some cases, when the the divorce was initiated for unbiblical reasons, that it over time could become a case that Paul would consider abandonment of the marriage? I am thinking especially of people who might divorce their spouse and later become convicted that they were...
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    Remarriage after divorce

    How can the act of divorcing by itself be adultery? I thought the definition of adultery was having a sexual relationship with someone outside of marriage. Am I misunderstanding the definition of adultery? I guess I was asking what the Lutheran church considers to be biblical reasons for...