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  1. JesusFreakJacob

    Emergent Church and Interfaithism

    Hey Ted, My church doesn't believe like that at all. My preacher is completely rejecting it as blasphemy. He was just warning us of whats going on.
  2. JesusFreakJacob

    Emergent Church and Interfaithism

    My preacher has been hearing a lot about the emergent church movement and we have all been informed that it is not some back woods thing, that it is here and it is what is creeping into evangelical churches! Now the original concept of trying to present the Gospel in a new way to reach a new...
  3. JesusFreakJacob

    Once Saved always Saved?

    I haven't read everything but I just wanted to put in my two sense. How does one become saved? So it seems pretty straight forward. We must believe in Jesus and receive Grace through Faith it is nothing we did to get salvation. We cannot earn it, therefore how could something we do...