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  1. J

    Young Earth Creation evangilism.

    I affirm the Nicene Creed. I fully acknowledge that God is the eternal, necessary cause for all of creation. God has been intimately involved with His creation from, "In the beginning, God...." (Gen.1:1), through "In the fullness of time God sent His son" (Gal. 4:4), through when He gives us...
  2. J

    Botching the moral argument

    Larry Taunton from Fixed Point, a group that organizes Christian v. atheist debates, was on John Stossel tonight. His topic was morality. He started off by summarizing the moral argument. He stated that men like Polpot, Hitler, and Stalin were evil because of their atheism. Christians were...
  3. J

    Florida Keys Coral reefs and Underwater Cities

    Geologists state that the Florida Keys are made of ancient "coral forests". The coral forests were made before the last ice age and that as the ice sheets expanded, the ocean level went down exposing lands that were previously underwater. The formations would be too deep and too large to have...
  4. J

    Could we be missing something?

    There are many threads about Hell within this forum. Books have been written and books to counter those books. Throughout the ages Hell/Lake of Fire (I agree they may not be the same) has been used/abused(?) as an incredibly effective evangelistic tool. I will admit that I was saved...