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  1. Melodys

    Dying your hair?

    Does the Bible talk about coloring your hair funny colors? Is it wrong?
  2. Melodys

    Courting Help

    "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." makes it very clear, so does "Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their...
  3. Melodys

    Scars that wound, scars that heal book

    Any book I read about Self Injury is a trigger to me :/ It just causes me to think about it more. But if it helps you, I can recommend "Mercyfor Ministries: Cut"
  4. Melodys

    Former Self-Injurer

    Start dealing with it now. When I started it was just punching, now I go so deep with a very sharp blade without my parents knowing. Get her involved in a Reformers Unanimous in the area (they meet every friday night) and make sure they have a teen program (cuz not all do) but I know that it has...
  5. Melodys

    All up my arm.. (Poss trig)

    I did it in places that people couldn't see like my thighs and stomach, but that stopped being satisfying, because it didn't look like I punished myself more cuz I went over old ones. I finally gave in to do it on my arm... How on earth do I cover it up until it heals without being totally obvious!
  6. Melodys

    Post here when you feel like cutting (2)

    Feeling like it! What do you do to stop? I kinda became apathetic and don't care, I'll just do it without any thoughts or regrets
  7. Melodys

    Courting Help

    I say that God put you under the authority of the Bible college and you need to obey. Romans 13:1
  8. Melodys

    I'm sorry but I'm upset

    I went to a public high school (I know, not a good idea) and I tried to make good friend choices because the Bible talks so much about it.... But every single Baptist I met acted just like the unsaved people. They cursed like sailors, listened to worldly music and dressed worldly. I'm sorry, I...
  9. Melodys

    Mirror or Pictures?

    It happens to me too... For some reason I see huge thighs and arms in the mirror, but in a picture I look really skinny. Ugh :/
  10. Melodys

    Why is not eating bad?

    Why is it so bad that I want to be skinny? Why is it wrong to throw up my food or just not eat? I mean we fast for God and its not wrong... so why is it wrong to starve myself?
  11. Melodys

    Missing my Dad :(

    My dad took his life last March :( I have NO idea how to cope or grieve. Any advice?
  12. Melodys

    Scripture for when you're suffering?

    Romans 8:28, Jer 29:11 :)
  13. Melodys

    Strength without therapy?

    I know its kinda late... but God is the greatest "therapist" :)
  14. Melodys

    How do you view your scars?

    I still do it, and I in a weird way... like them. I punish myself, and its my proof :/
  15. Melodys

    Female Texting Accountability Partner.

    Hey, I live in Michigan, but I have texting! I struggle with and ED and SI and I'm 18 :)
  16. Melodys

    Things you can do to de-escalate and divert an emergency

    Thanks :) I really like the different things to journal, will try!
  17. Melodys


    I have an addiction and I know I am saved :/ A really cool Baptist program I go to is called Reformers Unanimous. Its for people with stubborn addictions or habits. Maybe look it up online and find one it your area? God Bless, Mel
  18. Melodys

    What are you reading?

    "Whats on your mind" by John Goetsch (VERY GOOD) and I kissed dating goodbye by Joshua Harris.
  19. Melodys

    Creative ways to witness?

    I really like it :) Will totally try :)
  20. Melodys

    Accountablility Partner

    ok :) I can get emails sent to my phone :) whats your email?