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  1. Nienna_Lady_of_Tears


    I'm sick of being so alienated from others and living on my own schedule that doesn't coincide with anyone else. I am nocturnal. I have been since I was young. This makes it difficult if not impossible for me to wake up any earlier than noon, which means I miss church all the time. Sunday...
  2. Nienna_Lady_of_Tears

    On Christianity and Goth

    Please note; I am simply reposting this from another site Christian Goth since I cannot put it into better words myself. _________________________________ G o t h i c F r o m t h e C h r i s t i a n P e r s p e c t i v e +++ This article is an exerpt...
  3. Nienna_Lady_of_Tears

    Nienna's Nighttime Contemplations

    Everything that makes me tick.