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  1. Aner

    The Man Christ Jesus

    Christological Questions - If the Logos/Second Person of the Trinity dis-incarnated from Jesus - would Jesus be able to independently function just like you and I? Who (which person) "learned obedience" in Heb 5:8?? Who (which person) is the "My" in "Not My will be done but Thy will be done"?
  2. Aner


  3. Aner

    The Denial of the Human Person of Christ - the Man Christ Jesus

    Mac, Per your request, I am beginning to move our discussion to this thread. It will take me a while to bring together what we have discussed but I thought I should open it up and have you know I am working on it. :clap: The offending text in the original OP: My response: I stumble...
  4. Aner

    Aner's Introduction

    Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I know that different forums tend to be communities – online communities that often have spent some time together and gotten to know one another – no different than in a physical church. Therefore, to respect this community, I believe it is...