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    Diet and ADD/ADHD

    I drink lots of water everyday and soda very very rarely and I don't eat fast food hardly ever, or junk food and I believe still suffer from this, but I have not been properly diagnosed, if someone could help me.
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    dateless waif club (2)

    my thoughts exactly
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    dateless waif club (2)

    I'm dateless and a waif so I must be in the right place.
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    dateless waif club

    I'm dateless, and probably a waif as well
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    Christian Gaming companies

    Thanks guys, now we got some more interest..... I'll make this easier, e-mail me at or i will come after you :) use the subject: CHRISTIAN GAME. Unfortunately I've been busy lately but I'm not about to think about giving up here, this will just most likely be on hiatus for...
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    Christian Gaming companies

    It's come to my attention that something people want is a clear direction for some of us non "thinkers" intimidated by the creation process but are doers zealous to help and do things for God. I suggest we pull back the original number and just make as many as we can get in the next 2 weeks...
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    Heaven Bound and Breakthrough Gaming

    you really need to grow up in your thinking. I suppose you dislike "The Book of God" as well.
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    Christian Gaming companies

    I agree with weezerwannabe it's not that we are trying to trick people into becoming christians, that power belongs to the Holy Spirit, but it also may be a good idea to experiment with certain levels of Christianity so that it appears balanced, We also don't want to drive away non-christians...
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    Christian Gaming companies

    Well I'd love to be the one to say, hold that I've got the idea, and I've got a detailed business plan and investment funds to boot, but I'm not. In fact I'm sort of glad I'm not, I think that we should get all interested parties onboard for brainstorming, open with prayer and discuss ideas for...
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    Christian Gaming companies

    I'm serious about this after all, it is my post, hehe but I think there are other people serious as well, I'd be willing to do major reasearch. But people is what matters most, God can easily provide us the talent(meaning staff). and agreeing on things, also it always should start small...
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    Jesus Saved Me

    That is awesome brother now go and edify yourself in the lord so that you may not be blown about like the plants with no root, or among thorns (Bob Dylan anyone?) you sound like you have strong christian friends there, you are truly blessed.
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    I do GAme art

    Just because i do game art, doesn't mean i'm employed at a software company or anything, I suppose I could come up with some kind of smpling to send to people, gues no one is bothered by monsters, just my family..hehe Well anyone else interested let me know and I'll e-mail something out...
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    I do GAme art

    i do pixels on the web and I also draw alot, recently I've tried some people and stuff but I grew up drawing weapons and monster and it's what I'm good at. I'd like to expand and draw all sorts of things but I had some creatures and things, and I will probably have to draw them in the future...
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    Christian Warcraft III Battle . net clan!

    I'd like to play.
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    For all resident resident evil fans...

    glad to hear it, it's one of my favorites. I mean i think it's okay as long ask your killing, robots, monsters, mutants, maybe evil people, but people less so, though I have played anti-terrorist Rainbow Six.
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    Christian Gaming companies

    I think he just meant a strong christian presence, as there is not much of one to date. And none in the gaming industry, however this is fertile ground, big gaming companies are having originality and innovation be snuffed down by crunch time and early release dates from over eager corporate...
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    Christian Gaming companies

    I dod all these things like pixel artwork regular artwork and game designs, writing sroties and I love them all but since i have learned the message i have been struggling with wasting my time for something that is not christ-driven, I plan to change that, i cna incorporate God in all these...
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    What games should Christians not play?

    I've been wanting to make a game like that, only there is more to it, like the influence of people on each other and good and evil spirits influence on them as well, plus your approach depending on their personality, it coud be done without state=of the art technology becasue it would be huge...
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    I want to play someone give me a ring sometime, though I don't have brood wars. Did you know starcraft was the effort of the folks at blizzard inspired by the movie aliens and trying to make something similar suited to RTS, likewise ID said the same thing about Doom, except they chose hideous...
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    Christian Gaming companies

    Are there any christian gaming companies, I think it woud be a great way to reach young ones...Anyway I'm attending college for graphic arts and if there isn't one I'd like to form one some day, would this be the place to do it, I was wondering where I could find the right kind of talent, games...