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  1. Aethelfrith

    What do you think of Hinduism?

    I see what I was saying got lost on you... Someone has said it better than I. Claiming it is one God and actually being one God are completely different things.
  2. Aethelfrith

    What do you think of Hinduism?

    So you felt the need to post the same thing twice? Also Hinduism is probably less Polytheistic than mainstream (note: mainstream) Christianity as Christianity pretty much has three distinct beings in "Heaven" (and it does as evidenced by 'Revelations' in the Bible) the Father, Son and Holy...
  3. Aethelfrith

    What do you think of Hinduism?

    That is good as I don't subscribe to -Christian "Monotheism"- ~ the erroneous concept of three "gods" that its adherents claim is one "god". . .
  4. Aethelfrith

    What do you think of Hinduism?

    I like most features of this religion. I like the fact that one is not saved due to some belief in a dead messianic carpenter or some-such, but in the fact you as a soul (atman) will save yourself by living honourable lives and thus shall reunite with Brahman upon finding enlightenment/release...
  5. Aethelfrith

    Which Muslim group should control Islam?

    None. Can you imagine if the Catholic Church was still the only official Christian denomination? It is the same with Islam, they all have different views on their faith and thus no one group can claim they speak for all. I personally don't think any religion should be "controlled" as they...
  6. Aethelfrith

    A little riddle for you!

    Indeed. Chesterton will just ignore you though or try to pervert your post into something different...or he may have done, we can't be sure now as he may choose to surprise us now I have said this...maybe even make a "witty" comeback to this post. Dagmabbit, we may never know now! Well said...
  7. Aethelfrith

    A little riddle for you!

    Some of those were Ancient History. The point still stands as we have Tacitus' 'Germania', the writings of Julius Caesar (such as his 'Commentariide Bello Gallico ', Gildas' writings on Romano-Briton (may or may not be classed as "Ancient History"), 'De Munitionibus Castrorum', The works of...
  8. Aethelfrith

    This is my GOD

    Meotud is more or less Wyrd or the dispenser of Wyrd. It means "Maker" and was later adopted by Christians as a name of the Christian God (mostly in poetry) though it went out of fashion.
  9. Aethelfrith

    This is my GOD

    Well here then is Freo or Freyja, a fertility Goddess.
  10. Aethelfrith

    A little riddle for you!

    Any writings in history? What about Abraham Lincoln's writings aka letters, speeches? Gildas's description of Romano-Britain, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, The Secret History of The Mongols, Tacitus's 'Germania', Hitler's 'Mein Kampf', George Orwell's 'Homage To Catalonia', Chairman Mao's 'Little...
  11. Aethelfrith

    This is my GOD

    Indeed. I believe "God" (in the truest sense) is incomprehensible and is actually a force, Wyrd, Meotud or Karma if you will.
  12. Aethelfrith

    Ask an Ásatrúar

    If I remember correctly the view of it being unmanly was only later on with it being more or less unisex later on. I could be wrong on this point but I seem to remember reading that it was more along those lines. Indeed. It should be noted that he is probably the originator of the wizard...
  13. Aethelfrith

    This is my GOD

    I am interested in Scandianavian culture in general and I am part Scandinavian, however I lean to the English apsects such as the names of the Gods (Woden, Thunor et al) one because I know most about it, secondly it feels the most right for someone in North Eastern England and secondly I like...
  14. Aethelfrith

    This is my GOD

    So Sacredsin, are you an Indo-Europeanist or something? One who worships later Gods rather than Proto-European ones though? Or do you just choose Gods you like and they just happen to be Indo-European? This isn't an insult by the way, just wondering. This is mine (or one of): To the...
  15. Aethelfrith

    A little riddle for you!

    And we have photographs of him as well as many written sources from the time he was alive. I would hardly say the Gospels were written shortly after Jesus's alleged birth (which we can not even be sure of due to the errors in the writing...either errors by God or the scribe...I know whose errors...
  16. Aethelfrith

    A little riddle for you!

    Thank you. Indeed I even think Pat Robertson (whom I ha...disagree with intensely) and other "Pastors" and *shock* even politicians will find peace in the afterlife eventually. Yes, I don't need to really defend my faith as it is indeed MY faith. I get a lot of Christians telling me that my...
  17. Aethelfrith

    A little riddle for you!

    Yes I believe that also in many cases.
  18. Aethelfrith

    This is my GOD

    That film was made by the same guy who brought us 'Braveheart' and starred in 'The Patriot' he had to find a group to insult (in this case Jews) in it after doing it to the Homosexuals (he seems to hate them a lot as he does it again in this film), English and Lowland Scots (...and yes the...
  19. Aethelfrith

    A little riddle for you!

    Indeed. It supports my original post that all religions have similarities (I would guess that this is because folk wanted largely the same thing from religion early on AKA answers, a founding myth, something to keep them amused in winter, divine protection from the forces of nature and man...
  20. Aethelfrith

    A little riddle for you!

    Why don't you have a go? I would guess most scholars doubt Wodanaz's existence, but that is besides the point as at the same time many historians also doubt Jesus Christ's existence. That is not to say he isn't true as I think a Rabbi *may* have existed that eventually became the object of...