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  1. Fenny the Fox

    It hurts to even say so little, but I can't bring myself to say any more

    This will likely be the most ineloquent and inarticulate excuse for a statement I ever make here. At least I hope so. I honestly can’t see straight long enough to type a long, thought out, styled statement. My baby, the cat I have had for over 7 years now, that I nursed to health and cared...
  2. Fenny the Fox

    My first blog entry. My first vent to these, my CF affiliates.

    I see the subject of "homosexuality" debated so very much on these forums. In particular, in the Ethics and Morality section. Maybe I should get out and about the forums more frequently and not stay so cramped within the confines of ethical debate and moral discussion. As it is though, this is...
  3. Fenny the Fox

    's Blog