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  1. E

    The preacher who lied!

    One Sunday morning the pastor of a church woke up to a beautiful day. It was about 72 degrees with a slight breeze. The sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds. He decided he just had to go golfing. So he calls up his assistant pastor and says, "buddy i am sick today can you take care...
  2. E

    Why doesnt God destroy Satan and all evil?

    I once asked my pastor why God dows not destroy satan and all evil. His reply suprised me. I thought he would say because God's annointing is without repentance as it says in the Bible. That is not what he said. I am convinced he is right. He said, "Because people have to make their own...
  3. E

    New Member Posting

    Where should i begin? I am new father of 14 days today. How exciting! I believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. I have been in out of a relationship with Jehovah (hope I spelled it right). I am looking to grow closer than ever before and let Him be as much through me as...