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  1. N

    From Roe to Obamacare, Are Republican-Appointed Judges Ruling As You Think?

    Why did God only bless Israel with peace and prosperity when they were obedient to him and followed His laws? Part of your answer lies there-in. Another part lies in the fact that socialism and communism seek at their core to wield good things, ie healthcare, not through the lens of God's gift...
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    From Roe to Obamacare, Are Republican-Appointed Judges Ruling As You Think?

    Obamacare is Un-Christian in a number of ways. 1) It imposes the will of Pro-Abortionists on Christians and anyone else who believes Abortion is murder. You will soon no longer be able to say your hands are clean of your neighbor's abortion, because soon you will have a hand in paying for...
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    Does the UCC believe in evolution?

    Except that God said man brought death into the world and so called evolutionary "science" says it happens the exact opposite. One of the messages is from the devil.
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    Socialism: second verse .. same as the first

    Socialism, Communism, Marxism etc have 1 thing in common. They elevate man to the status of God and every place in this world where that has been tried and is being tried, is a miserable failure and a land of many sorrows, many of them untold. You have to understand why they fail and for that...
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    Debt Ceiling: Budget Experts See Deal as 'Spit in the Ocean'

    This is a pretty sad day. Republicans refused to stand on principle. Imagine if the founders. Those in the tea party who tried to get demonized by the establishment and Bhoner did nothing. We need another sweeping election in 2012... the swamp needs to be drained one election at a time and...
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    Christian Dems take on debt ceiling in new ads

    I've told some people at work that separation of church and state is nowhere in the constitution or our founding documents. At first they looked at me funny and thought I was lying, because the leftist media has propagated that idea so much it's become a commonly believed myth to the point...
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    Christian Dems take on debt ceiling in new ads

    It's all a ploy. Every manuver they make, the left and some on the right, is a trick to get your vote. What really has me irked lately is this notion of Baseline budgeting. The running principle that the democrats go with, is that they call a 20 billion reduction of a 200 billion increase, a 20...
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    Youth Tea Party -- please help out

    Yeah first came taxation without representation, but baseline budgeting and a central bank is racking up tabs on fetus's and those baby's unborn. Pretty bizarre when you think about it.
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    Democrats fracturing as their failures aren't being appreciated

    That's correct. People forget that the President can't do much of anything to stop spending if there is a majority of his opponents in congress that want to. Reagan may have been a spender, but compared to Bush and even more so Obama, he was a penny pincher. Reagan would never have advocated...
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    Obama has NO plan for the Debt Problem

    Which of the last 10 years of congressional spending increases has included Social Security, Medicare or MEdicaid? THere's plenty of things to cut, and Obama is doing what he does best when he mentions those 3 programs, he sets up a strawman argument to distract you from all other insane...
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    Obama has NO plan for the Debt Problem

    Liberal mantra #41291231. Sorry, gotta call it for what it is. We're about to hit the debt limit, which was added to the constituion for a reason. Unemployment rate is through the roof. Thing's are rosy for most lower/middle class workers and upper class is scared to death they're freezing...
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    Obama has NO plan for the Debt Problem

    Got a link to one of the Obama proposed plans that would actually Decrease the debt? All he has proposed is "Cuts" to future spending increases with no way to hold him or congress accountable to even that much, which isn't what the American people are demanding. I know I must come off as...
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    Obama has NO plan for the Debt Problem

    Looks ilke the Boehner's latest plan isn't as supported in the House as some people thought. House GOP revolts against Boehner plan - Washington Times I hope we get a balanced budget directly out of this debacle, but that would be like the devil giving up his favorite vice tools.
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    Democrats fracturing as their failures aren't being appreciated

    Answer my points and i'll answer yours, plenty of time in the day to go off on tangents.
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    Obama has NO plan for the Debt Problem

    I'm all for the Boehner plan, but it won't be enough. It's a swift kick to the can but it's still just kicking the can down the road. We need real, defined cuts. That means Republicans going on record that they want to cut specific programs. Democrats are notoriously good at marketing and...
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    Democrats fracturing as their failures aren't being appreciated

    Reagan cut taxes during the recession, which is what we're talking about here. Obama want's to raise them. Reagan got away with raising taxes because the economy had already started recovering and he only went along because of the congressional spending. Without reckless spending, you don't have...
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    Democrats fracturing as their failures aren't being appreciated

    The only reason Reagan was for amnesty, was because of assurances from the then liberals that they would secure the border and get serious on immigration. They lied, Reagan made a blunder. I should add that Bush wanted to get some kind of Amnesty program, and he was never compared to Reagan that...
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    Democrats fracturing as their failures aren't being appreciated

    Reagan fought for small government. He wasn't smart enough to not trust liberals on congress though, so when they promised to fix immigration and spending after amnesty, they broke their word and we've been paying for it ever since. The whole Reagan = Obama myth is one of the most bizarre...
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    The Agenda - Grinding America Down

    Yet they mesh perfectly with Communist goals. You can't impliment communism without tearing down the fabric of the constitution, which every step of the way towards communism does.
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    Democrats fracturing as their failures aren't being appreciated

    Nice try, but Reagan cut taxes. Tax revenue increased under Reagan though because the economy expanded, production increased and the lower tax rate was greatly surpassed by the sheer number of additional economic activity that could be taxed. It's a shocking concept for guys like Obama, but...