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  1. S

    Multi-Vitamin suggestions

    Excercise is awesome for the psyche...
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    Ya see I don't have sleeping problems... I might get up once my eyes open if I'm manic at the time but I don't have a problem getting to sleep and I usually sleep-in if I can...but that's because I quit smokin pot...before that...I was always up...I could never sleep. But diagnosis...
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    Was wondering about the people that are on these? What is/was the diagnosis criteria for one of these...(your personal diagnosis) Is there any other symtoms people experience other than the classic bi-polar symtoms of extreme lows/highs that would not be classicfied as schizophrenia but still...
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    i feel sick

    Hey man... I go through some of the same things you listed...but I did want to comment on something... I really hope you have a change in heart about the herb... I to felt the same way about it... I was getting to the point where I'd come home on my lunch break and toke...but ultimately it...
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    the diagnosis

    Well...pot smoking (for me) does alleviate the symtoms for about 15-30 minutes...once the buzz affect goes really are coming down...which give me a depressed affect (like with any pot user)...but ultimatly worsens my symtoms... I still think being on stimulants for much of my...
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    the diagnosis

    Thanks for the responce. I haven't smoked in 2.5's great...some symtoms have subsided, notably the depression. But my 'psychosis like' symtoms haven't gone away completly...some days/moments better than others... I still wonder about a diagnosis... Can you have a generalized...
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    One Thing Your Thankful For (2)

    the holy spirit
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    Are You High, Low or Level? (2)

    i'm at running temp right now.. low/level
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    stress and thought reading....

    Oh man I did the food service gig... Was a waiter, bus boy, and host... what a stressfull industry...Do you have any other options? I had to get out of that environment...
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    Are You High, Low or Level? (2)

    Had a couple drinks tonight... my friend told me he's going to nursing school to make 60k right out of school and be a successful contributing member of our society... Oh how I can only wish for the opportunity have straight forwardness... depressed and down in a hole
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    Hey there..

    Everything you've described sounds to be right on target for a BP diagnosis... You should seek professional help to get your diagnosis then moving forward you can start treatment... Treatment doesn't mean just need to educate yourself...I read about mental illness a great deal...
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    the diagnosis

    Getting your unique diagnosis is hard for anyone... I think I have schizoprenic trates... I smoked pot for two years...which was a huge culprit to the onset of my illness... I was also on stimulants a lot when I was in school...which use to make me depressed and a bit parinod... I don't hear...
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    Inspiring songs

    Music is awsome, it's bout the only thing that gets my manic going now adays, that and a close friend of mine
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    Is it just me???????????

    Oh how I long for long periods of time....
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    New Haven/West Haven
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    Connecticut here

    New Haven native here...
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    another ct member

    Anyone from New Haven?
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    My Opening Rant

    Even in the middle of the crazyness I try to come on here, or pray and it helps a lot...I'm really happy the spirit has pulled me back into the has been great relief for my trials/tribulations.
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    Ya this bugs the crap outta me... Not to mention the really hard time Americans have finding a common soul... Humans have an ID (ego, alter ego, ID) that takes their surroundings like their culture, their environment, their language, their intent..and inadvertantly influences different ideas...
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    Existence - hard question

    I like that idea of evolution back by god... But I do think it was a force of nature in his image.