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  1. middo

    What Aus state are you from?

    WA all the way!
  2. middo

    Movies that remind you of God's love

    Was just thinking about movies the other day and the power they can have. Does anyone remember a movie, or a scene in a movie they have seen that reminds them of God's never ending love for us? For some reason the scene in Bruce Almighty where Bruce has blown everything and God is explaining to...
  3. middo

    Venting Confusion

    Hey All Not really looking for any specific advice, just feel like venting about the female race:P (sorry girls) There is this girl...(obviously) that I have liked for about 6 months now. Unfortunately for me about 3 months ago I asked her out, she said she just wanted to be really good...
  4. middo

    What Aus state are you from?

    wa all the way!
  5. middo

    Where are you from?

    0-8 - West Perth, Perth WA 8-18 - Albany WA 18-now(21) Subiaco, Perth WA:)
  6. middo AKA Greg Bell

    in my mind the only thing 'dubious' about his work is that it connects with the people of today in a way very few people can:) LOVE the work of all the people that put it together!
  7. middo


    i only went on the final night of the Perth conference. It was ok, the overall message was great, only problem is all my youth group boys are going around calling the girls 'hoars of Babylon'...thanks Chris:P
  8. middo

    Guys, let me give you some advice about Women.

    yep, that about sums up Man's entire knowledge of the female race, learnt by pain and torture over thousands of years... when u get something, let me know, I'll market your best selling book. bah humbug
  9. middo

    One of my favorite high school teachers just died...

    yeah, my year 9 English teacher died of an aneurysm when I was in year 10, she was a FANTASTIC teacher! Luckily I know she was Christian. Sad news.
  10. middo


    thanks all:) As is stands I think her and my best mate will start dating soon so it will be best for me to get well out of it before then:P
  11. middo


    Recently I told a girl how I felt about her. She informed me that she didn't see me in the same way, which is fair enough, she only saw me as a really good friend. Since things have been cleared up things have been a bit funny. I think now that she has told me how she feels, she seems to think...
  12. middo

    So tomorrow my "baby" is FIVE!!! Funny comic on 'being five':D
  13. middo


    Just want to vent a bit:P This year I have had a few bad luck situations with regards to prospective girlfriends. Most often it has been a case of me being too excited too early on and scaring them away. In an effort to not have this happen again I made an agreement with myself, the next girl...
  14. middo

    AFL Finals

    Go Eagles!!! WOOOHOOO
  15. middo

    Do YOU have a crush on anyone?

    Yes, i very much do have a crush but I also know it won't go anywhere, so I am trying to get over it. She is about as obsessed with my mate as I am with sucks:(
  16. middo

    What are your thoughts

    Hey, I haven't posted on here for a while but I would really appreciate your thoughts. A girl and I have begun to become quite fond of each other. We both know we like each other and have been getting to know each other as friends for a bit. When we hang out it can be quite awkward because we...
  17. middo

    Calling West Aussies

    Im Me Im from here I go to my church;) Nah, Im James From Perth Go to an inner suburban church of Christ
  18. middo

    the question i pose

    i remember you, the question you remember me! Or anyone else for that matter:P Been way too long since i grace these forums:)
  19. middo

    Australia beats the WORLD!!

    Who else here follows Cricket? Was great to see the MIGHTY Aussies rebound from the ASHES and win the series against the World in straight games:) GO AUSSIES!
  20. middo

    Go The Mighty West Coast Eagles

    CARN EAGLES! Going over to Vic for the big game:D