Search results

  1. P

    You know you are over 65 when...

    someone says the "war" and you automatically think, "World War II"! This might be fun. Those under 65 might say what they think those over 65 might recall. Enjoy! :D
  2. P

    Decision needed soon.

    Not easy for seniors of our vintage to just do something we are asked to do. Need faith and clarification to move, namely Holy Spirit guidance and peace. Trying to remain positive no matter what, when, who, and how and make a right decision for all involved. I am feeling the stress from the...
  3. P

    sick this a.m. need prayer

    Unspoken request for my health: Please pray I feel better soon. Thank you so much.
  4. P

    ear healed, hearing fine

    Praising and thanking the Lord for healing me and providing just the right medical care. Two months ago I asked for prayer for a severe ear infection. The treatment took about a month and there was concern that because of the type of infection I could lose or have permanent diminished hearing...
  5. P

    Hey, baseball movie fans!

    Do you remember your favorite baseball movie? To jog your memory here are a few: "Eight Men Out"; "The Natural"; "The Bad News Bears"; "Field of Dreams"; "Little Big League"; "The Winning Team"; and my two favorites: "A League of Their Own" (yes, it's about girl's baseball) and the greatest one...
  6. P

    Lost their daughter and now son.

    Some old friends of ours, Rick and Sal, strong Christians, who lost their daughter and two grandchildren in an accident a few years ago just lost their adult son, Rob, a believer, who died of cancer. Please pray for strength and courage for this family and Rob's family too as they all go...
  7. P

    safe trip for daughter

    My daughter, MK, is flying back from a week's trip to Alaska today. Please pray for her safe return to her family. thanks so much. :) pilgrimgal
  8. P

    serious ear problem continues..please pray

    The need for the healing of my left ear's fungal infection continues as have had three treatments now the past two weeks; and although better it is not clearing up as hoped. Hearing is now temporarily impaired and the doctor is concerned about possible permanent hearing loss in that ear. I had...
  9. P

    prayers for healing of ears.

    Am experiencing pain and discomfort from an ear infection. Will be going in to a specialist after the holiday. Meanwhile please pray for healing. This is my third ear infection in less than two years. Just prayers please..thank you much, beloved people of prayer. :prayer:
  10. P

    elderly man breaks hip

    update 6/18/2011..thanks to you who prayed for our friend, Myron, who fell last month and who suffered from Alzheimers, diabetes, and congested heart failure. He died 6/14/2011..from complications a month after his surgery. More details in my post # 18. Please pray for comfort and peace for...
  11. P

    Mother's Day prayers.

    It's USA Mother's Day today, Sunday, May 8th. Let's remember to thank God for our mothers, grandmothers, and surrogate mothers today. God bless all mother's here on Christian forums..prayers that you have a full and wonderful day today. Celebrate being a mom--you deserve it! :prayer: :hug...
  12. P

    One word movie title. (2)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "One word movie title."
  13. P

    Rejoicing because..also need prayer for eyes.

    Please join me in thanking God and rejoicing as this is my 5th year today posting as "pilgrimgal" here on CF. Please pray for more years as I thank God for the forum and all of you faithful persons of prayers. :amen: ^_^ Monday, 4/11, I have an appointment with my ophthalmologist ..regular...
  14. P

    5 years at CF today!

    Hey, it is my anniversary! Five years at Christian Forums today! Seen lots of changes and it just keeps getting bigger and better. Praising God for the forum and all who make it possible plus all of the wonderful people who post here..especially the prayer team and mods. :clap:
  15. P

    Let's Reminisce, remembering when..

    Roy Rogers was the "King of the Cowboys" and Dale Evans was the "Queen of the West"? [Saturday movie matinees at the local theater in the early 50's often starred these two.] It should be fun once again to reminisce and comment about something we remember going way back when. Your turn...
  16. P

    We need wisdom, trust, guidance.

    Dear praying friends: Our church is launching a new service via satellite (video) located in a theater near here. All but the sermon will be live. My husband and I want to be part of the ministry there but also need wisdom as to how much we get involved in. There is a planning meeting coming up...
  17. P

    Dee..brain surgery this week.

    Please pray :prayer: for Dee, a faithful and active member of my church, who is facing her 4th brain surgery this week for removal of a reoccuring tumor (over a period of years) now in the sinus area. It is not malignant but keeps returning and is a serious condition. She asked that we pray for...
  18. P

    A prayer for the prayer team and all who pray here.

    An Irish Prayer May God give you... For every storm, a rainbow, For every tear, a smile, For every care, a promise, ...And a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, A faithful friend to share, For every sigh, a sweet song, And an answer for each prayer. ~author unknown~ Happy...
  19. P

    My favorite Irish prayer..

    Christ be with me Christ before me Christ behind me Christ in me Christ beneath me Christ above me Christ on my right Christ on my left Christ where I lie Christ where I sit Christ where I arise Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks of me...
  20. P

    Urgent: Japan hit by 8.9 quake. Tsunami threatens many countries.

    Let us pray for Japan as a Great Earthquake (8.9) has hit there less than two hours ago. Massive waves coming into shores there. Many other countries' shores threatened by Tsunami approaching coastal areas. This includes Hawaii. Lord, have mercy. Lord, come to the aid of the millions who...