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  1. K

    Christentum in Deutschland

    Hallo Helmut danke für die Aufklärung hab ich wieder was dazu gelernt LG Kioma
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    Why do I feel guilty?

    Look in the bible after Verses of Forgiveness like Ephesians 1, 7 1. John 1,9 proclaime them loud in prayer, speak them out loud when ever your feelings tell you another thing at last don't hear to such feelings which want to condemn you You are under the blood of Jesus he already died for...
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    Is drinking coffee a sin?

    Hello people Is coffee a sin , is Tra a sin..........? At last you will ask yourself if it is a sin to breeze - then you are realy in diculties because then you are going to die if you don't do it. Are you in Jesus Christ ? then you are free thats written in the bible Put yourself under his...
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    Interessiert auf Deutsch

    Es tut mir leid das mein Englisch so schlecht ist:bow: Macht doch nix Babble ma wie uns de schnawwel gwachse is:D auf deutsch: Reden wir wie uns der Schnabel gewachsen ist heisst nur Mut den Übung macht den meister
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    Christentum in Deutschland

    In Deutschland gibt es wie überall auf der Welt Christen und solche die sich dafür halten Solche die ihren glauben leben und solche die es mit dem sonntäglichen Kirchgang damit belassen Deutschland hat christentum als Staatsreligion Katholisch und evangelischund auch freie christengemeinden wie...
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    Verfluchtes Land?

    man sollte schlicht und ergreifend nicht alles glauben was man hört oder liest
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    Berlin Wall

    damals befand man sich im "kalten Krieg" um zu verhindern das sich die gemüter erhitzen wurde die Mauer akzeptiert 1989 wurde sie eingerissen und ja es war mit Verlust Ideale lösten sich ins nichts auf Arbeitslosogkeit nahm zu So glücklich alle waren das sie weg war man kann nicht von heute...
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    Wie verhaltet ihr euch mit Nicht-Christen?

    Hm also einige meiner Freunde sind Nicht Christen und ich bin die die ich immer bin einfach Ich Keine Masken keine aufgesetzte oder auf die Stirn getuccerte Inschrift > Ich bin Christ < Ich bin die ich bin und verstelle mich nicht wozu auch entweder sie mögen mich so oder es passt eh nicht und...
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    Eine Frage, die mich schon lange beschäftigt

    Ich kann dir dazu leider auch nichts sagen es gibt ja auch Zwitter einige ließen sich operieren andere verheimlichen es und versuhen damit zu leben die wenigen die es eventuell offen sagen werden wohl auch geschnitten solange die kirche im allgemeinen nicht kapiert das jesus wenn man genau...
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    Help with advice on angry/confused friend

    If you can not find peace write him a e mail again tell him all you want to say more you cannot do take the first step when he refuse give him into the hands of god anlive your life and prayfor him
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    Can't control my own thoughts?

    If it happens call the name of jesus sing start prayer just do something that will bring you away from this thoughts reading a book , a game...... it will help
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    Help with advice on angry/confused friend

    How I look to your story the only thing you can do in the moment is to pray for him. Give him time and pray. Even that he removed you from his facebooklist He can not remove himself from the list of god You said he went with you to church and I guess you two also spoke about god Maybe all this...
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    Praying In Tongues

    Its a wonderfull gift Is not easy to explaine Praising goes freely how do you explaine how strwberrys taste you can not you have to try them and find out Beg god to let you try praying in tonques
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    I just found out that my son is gay

    Sorry but is written there and NO I don't have prejudices against them the uncle of my son is homosexual, coworkers of me also and so on...... but what they do is still a sin not more and not less any sin I or anybody is doing is a sin but we are still what we are people loved by God
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    I just found out that my son is gay

    Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Leviticus 18,22 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman...
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    Dating a Non-Virgin Christian Girl

    Who is without sin throw the first stone. Jesus just told maria magdalena not to do it again and today...... everything is very "free" but free means not that it is the right way. You can pray together about this matter You love her God loves her too and he will show you the right way there is...
  17. K

    Can I actually effect something with my faith?

    Faith is a gift from God to us what we have to do is to decide if we belive or not however our felings/emotions in this moment are. Emotiones can change like the weather. Faith is fixed in the heart god will never take away what he gave us as a gift It's our Circumstances, problemms ...... what...
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    What's going on?

    You said you are free of talents...... I have good news for you Nobody who lives on this earth is talentfree God gave to everybody You said you are a comassionate person and you like to help people so you are not talentfree Not everybody is able to be a nurse Not everybody can see and carry...
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    Is it wrong to get rich quickly?

    Hi Tigerkanga Ask God what you shall do with the money. At last do whereby you have deep peace in your heart. To be rich is not a sin God blessed you with money use it very carefull for whatever God tells you.