Search results

  1. _becca

    How you doin'?

    Ladies(or guys).. how do you respond/react when you go somewhere and a guy says this to you in the whole checking you out and flirting kind of way? =\
  2. _becca

    Barbaric Gypsy Worship..

    Any one know of any good gypsy worship or acoustic folk or drum circle worship bands/groups? Any one else into this style of worship? I think it's so fantasssssssssssssssssssssssstic and beautiful!! peace of Christ to you and thanks a WHOLE lot... becca
  3. _becca

    Celebration contest shots

    1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Christmas Lights
  4. _becca

    Transportation shots ready for votes!

    yedeeep! 1<> 2<> 3<> 4<> 5<>
  5. _becca

    Structure section up for votes!

    yup yuppers.. :] 1|| Slidde 2|| City Panorama 3|| Cross of Nails 4|| Peir 5||
  6. _becca

    Macro photos for voting

    okeys peeps!.. heres the macro shots. (feel free to correct me) 1:: Web 2:: Drink 3:: Blue Flowers 4:: Lights 5:: Eye
  7. _becca

    Wildlife open for voting!

    Arighty.. wildlife up. one vote each.... vote awaaaay you people! =) 1// Turtle 2// Lion 3// Branches 4// Spider 5// Spider on wood
  8. _becca

    Asking for prayer ay

    Sooo, this section of CF is my favorite place to read even though I'm young and un experienced and all of that =P yah but pretty much I just want to asked for prayer of any of you who feel like you would want to pray for me, I always feel kind of bad asking for prayer because it's never...
  9. _becca

    My Pictures Hey guys I made an album on webshots with alot of my pictures and I was wondering what you guys think of them... criticism is welcome lol Thank you for checking them out... I really appreciate it! Rebecca
  10. _becca

    Blessed By A Broken Heart

    BBABH!! Anybody else like this Christian metalcore band form Canada? I got there CD for Christmas... and it's just amazing