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  1. S


    I would just ask for you too keep in mind my church as we enter the 40 Days of Purpose. Also pray that we will be able to witness to others who take on this program and that we become a stronger church as we grow in our faith in God. Thankyou for your prayers.
  2. S

    Is anyone doing the 40 Days of Purpose??

    Hey, I'm doing the 40 Days of Purpose with my church and i was wondering if anyone else was doing it? If so what do you think of it so far? And have you read the book "The Purpose Driven Life" as part of the 40 days?? Just interested to see what everyone else thinks of this program! :D
  3. S

    Paryers for Myself.

    I've been having a very rough time lately. I've been suffering from depression, and i have been questioning my beliefs as a christian. I have had many traumatic things happening over the last few months, from surgery to abuse and stress, and i just ask that you pray for me as i still have to sit...