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  1. DanielRB

    Fire at Tennessee Mosque Building Site Ruled Arson

    Fire at Tenn. Mosque Building Site Ruled Arson - CBS News I'm sure, though, that it was all done in good Christian love.
  2. DanielRB

    Religious Freedom: Biblical?

    Let me begin by saying I think relgious freedom is one of the most important rights we possess in my country, and in most western democracies. I understand the history on why it was developed, how religious wars devastated Europe and we realized that toleration was far better than going to...
  3. DanielRB

    Murfreesboro, TN Protest of Mosque Parallels earlier Protest of Catholic Church St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, like mosque today, was opposed by Murfreesboro residents Some old intolerance, dressed up for the 21st century (bedsheets left at home)...
  4. DanielRB

    Angry Christian Protestors Descend on Mosque

    Angry protesters descend on mosque - Connecticut Post Just lovely. While the quote about "revering Jesus just like they do" is silly, I do find these protestors asinine in so many ways.
  5. DanielRB

    What do you look for in Music?

    For me, one of the most important aspects of music is having thoughtful lyrics. IMO, a lot of music uses lyrics that, when separated from the music sound trite and insipid. I'd much rather listen to music where the words can stand on their own. I've found that certain artists have really...
  6. DanielRB

    Family Worship

    Wanting to know...what does your family do for worship at home (I don't mean at Church, in between Church worship services throughout the week). We are not terribly faithful at it, but we sometimes in the evening have a Bible story reading, sing a couple of songs and then all of us pray...
  7. DanielRB

    Decaffinated Beverages

    Hi Everyone, :wave: Although I think it's pretty clear that caffine-containing beverages (coffee, tea, coke, etc.) are not consistent with the Adventist lifestyle, what about decaffinated coffee, tea, etc? I know some decaffinated processes use harmful chemicals that should be avoided, but...
  8. DanielRB

    Why SDA?

    Howdy, Brothers & Sisters, :wave: PLEASE NOTE: I'm not looking at debating non-SDA Christians here; I'm just looking at discussing some things with fellow SDA Christians. I'm sorry if I offend any non-SDA Christians who read this post, however--my point is not to offend others. It's been...
  9. DanielRB

    opposition to same-sex marriage

    Hi Everyone, :wave: Same-sex unions are of course, a hot topic, with many (if not most) Christians in opposition to giving these unions legal recognition. I completely understand how the Bible is against homosexual practice and it is completely incompatible with the Christian lifestyle...
  10. DanielRB

    Good Apologetics Forum

    Hi Everyone, :wave: I don't mean to offend by this statement, but does anyone know of another forum where there are a lot of thoughtful Christians where I can ask my questions? Frankly, I find something wanting in the discussions here. Thanks! Daniel
  11. DanielRB

    Avoiding Hopelessness

    Hi All, :wave: I remember several years ago reading several books by Ravi Zacharias about why he thought atheism was a bad idea. Fundamentally, his conclusion was that atheism led to dispair, and thus was false. I would argue that atheism doesn't necessarily lead to dispair, but that...
  12. DanielRB

    Islam and Judaism

    Hi Folks, :wave: I'd like to start a thread concerning a comparison/contrast of Judaism and Islam. Of course, there are different sects of Islam and different sects of Judaism, so what one states about "Islam" or "Judaism" in general will often not be believed by all adherents of that faith...
  13. DanielRB

    Experiencing God

    Hi Everyone, :wave: If you've had an encounter with a being, how do you know that that being is "God" and not someone/something else? What is the criteria you use to determine if said being is, in fact, the omnipotent creator and not a lessor creature (though still of some power) or your own...
  14. DanielRB

    What forms of Marriage should be legal and why?

    Hi Folks, :wave: The whole "gay marriage" controversy brings up a question: what restrictions, if any should be placed on entering a marriage contract? I think it can generally be agreed that whatever involves minors should be illegal. Most would agree that someone who is, say, under the...
  15. DanielRB

    Atheistic Opposition to Abortion

    Hi Folks, :wave: There was a time that I was an atheist. My faith is shaky enough that it remains possible that I'll again be an atheist. However, during the time of my atheism, I was pro-life--indeed, in some ways, more pro-life than when I'm a Christian (hey, aborted kids are saved...
  16. DanielRB

    Addressing a Perception on the Bailout

    Hi Folks, :wave: It seems to me that a lot of people have the idea that the "bailout" was passed because of greedy corporate-loving Republicans trying to give more money to their friends. Now, there's no disputing that Bush (the theoretically Republican President) pushed for it. But as...
  17. DanielRB

    Campaign Reform: Some little steps

    Hi Everyone, :wave: Like a lot of Americans, I don't care too much for the way elections are run in this country. I know the system needs a complete overhaul, but here are two modest steps: *Require proper ID and proof of residency to register to vote, and require proper ID to actually...
  18. DanielRB

    Wall Street Meltdown and Social Security

    Hi Folks, :wave: We've just finished up a really horrid week on Wall Street. Any thoughts on the implications on retirement, Social Security, etc? I imagine any discussion on even the partial privatization of Social Security will me completely rejected by most voters for the foreseeable...
  19. DanielRB

    Are you better off than you were eight years ago?

    Hi Everyone, I’ve been thinking about this upcoming election, and though we’re not voting on an incumbent President, I think I need to stop and ask myself: am I better off today than I was eight years ago? Most of the time, this is understood in financial terms. I know that the President...
  20. DanielRB

    Raise FDIC Limit? Personally, I find this foolish. If WaMu had actually failed (and not bought out), it would have bankrupt the fund. Start insuring more, and the possibility of bankrupting the fund becomes more likely...