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    testing religion icon.
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    Abortion: Right or Wrong?

    I don't know if this qualifies as news, feel free to move this. Is abortion murder? Personally, I believe that a woman should have the right to decide what happens to the fetus. The fetus is not a "child", it is technically a cancerous growth. This is scientific fact. It is better to...
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    This may seem stupid and trivial here, but I can't think of anywhere else to post it. Anyway, I can't and never have been able to prounce words like "children" (sounds like til-a-wen) and "hundred" or anything with a dr or br in the word. Should I get therapy for this or will it just go...
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    YEC: Fairy tale or Biblical truth?

    Is Young-Earth Creationism, the "theory" that says that God spontaneously created everything in six days 6,000 years ago, truth or fiction? Personally, I believe it is fiction. There is too much evidence for an old earth and the evolutionary process that it simply can't be denied. I would...
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    Spam!!! Help!!!

    I am getting at least 50 spam messages every day. I am getting spammed with viruses, porn, newsletters, get rich quick schemes, weight loss, people who claim to be 'long lost cousins' (I don't have any cousins), and other mess. It's driving me crazy! If I can't find a way to stop this, then I...
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    Question for Internet Experts

    I have a question for all you internet experts. Is is possible to copyright or trademark the username "ocean" so that nobody else can use it on any site. The reason that I am asking this is that I am considering starting an online buisness and it would probably be called or...
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    Very Sick

    I am feeling very sick, I have a sharp pain in my right tonsil and a fever. Am I in life threating danger? Should I go to the hospital?
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    are pagan religions valid?

    I am not looking for Christians to respond to this, I am interested in finding out what Non-Christian religious people believe. Are "pagan" religions (any religion that is not Christianity, Islam, or Judaism) valid, or are they simply outdated myths or satanic cults? Is there any evidence...
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    question-Ist this for real?

    Well, I am considering converting to Christianty, mostly out of fear of hell. Is am still skeptical and don't know if this is "for real". I was a Christian earlier in life (I was raised that way) and I don't know if this will last.
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    U.S. to send troops to Liberia MONROVIA, Liberia (CNN) -- The U.S. military will send an assessment team to Liberia this weekend, a military official told CNN. The team of about a dozen people will depart from Europe as soon as air transport can be arranged, the official said. The team's task will be to...
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    pro-war rednecks

    I can't stand how these pro-war rednecks on this board attack me and other pro-peace/anti-war supporters, calling us "stupid", "liberal", and "anti-American". These hicks assume that if you are anti-war, you are pro-Saddam and anti-American, and that is not true. I am against this war, but I...
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    Why this war must be stopped!

    This senseless act of mass murder must be stopped immediately. Thousands of innocent people are dying every day, and thousands more will die if this massacre isn't stopped! America says this war is about liberating the Iraqis and stopping Saddam, but it is really about oil, money, and...
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    Is human cloning scientifically possible?

    Is human cloning possible? This "company" has claimed to clone a human, but it is obviously a hoax. Other peole have attempted to clone humans, but they have all been unsuccessful. Is human cloning scientifically impossible?
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    A Challenge For Creationists

    Why do creationists always ask for evidence of evolution but provide no evidence for creation? There is plenty of evidence for evolution, but none for creation (outside of the Bible). I have a challenge for creationists. Give me ONE piece of CREDIBLE evidence (no Kent Hovind stuff) for...
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    I believe abortion is OK because a fetus is not a living human. It has no brain, it can not think, it can not feel emotions like love, hate, compassion, anger, fear, etc. It is not even aware of it's own existence! It is life, but it is not alive. The life and well-being of the woman is far more...
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    Why doesn't anyone post here anymore?

    Where has everyone gone? Why doesn't anyone post here anymore?
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    Evolution is science, YEC is a religion

    Why do YEC's always claim evolution is a religion? Their beliefs are the only ones that are religious. Evolutionary theory is based on scientific evidence, YEC "theory" is based on a religious text. It involves a God, the supernatural, and impossible things(such as the earth being formed in...
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    Cosmology and YEC

    There are many things about the universe that disprove YEC: (1. The speed of light. If the universe is 6000 years old, then why can we see stars millions of light years away? (2. Black holes. If the universe is only 6000 years old, stars would not collapse and black holes wouldn't exist...
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    Could the D.C. sniper(s) be related to Islamic terrorism?

    I'm starting to think that the sniper could be involved in terrorism.