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  1. R

    How SHOULD I feel?

    My mother is 81. I haven't spoken to her in 13 years--nor has she spoken to me or been there for me when I had surgery, when I learned my husband was cheating on me and spending us into extreme debt, when I got divorced and was left as a single parent to 6 kids still at home, when both my...
  2. R

    Heap coals vs shake the dust

    Romans tells us to do good to those who hate us. It will heap coals on their heads and they'll be ashamed of how they've treated us. I effectively did this my whole life with my family. They did not feel ashamed or change their behavior. They concluded that I was quite okay with abuses and...
  3. R


    Forgiveness is a subject I keep coming back to over and over. Between a dysfunctional family of origin and a (now ex) husband who did a lot of things no loving husband would ever do, I've had a lot to forgive. Their behaviors continue in various ways that have included working to turn my kids...
  4. R

    What does it mean to YOU to have a personal relationship with Christ?

    This is a very popular phrase in Christianity: You must have a personal relationship with Jesus. How would you explain this to someone new to Christianity? How do we have a 'personal relationship' with someone we can't see, touch, or hear? What does such a 'relationship' look like? What does...
  5. R

    'Kindness softens hearts'

    I am struggling to integrate these Christian beliefs into my own experience. Turn the other cheek. Heap coals of kindness on their heads. Kindness wins people over. I think mostly this can be true. However, I was raised in an alcoholic family, cast as the scapegoat, and the more I turned the...