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  1. C

    ways to spread the word of God and gain new members

    prestory: I attend a church almost every sunday I can (work gets in the way sometimes) but it seems like our numbers are dwindling. Our church refuses to try to find ways to get more members, almost to the point that they scorn new members. What are ways i could introduce to our pastor to...
  2. C

    Finally finished with my bible app, need testers to get it off the ground!

    Hey everyone, Im sure lots of people are aware of my story, if not I posted a link from my first app. I develop apps for android, I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with my life after graduating college, we all strive for jobs that fulfill us spiritually and challenges us mentally...
  3. C

    first quote background

    the quote I used is "Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9" I also attached iphone and android phone backgrounds! Free for anyone to use or download! just give us (codeforchrist team) a shout out if...
  4. C

    Young programmer trying to use my skills to spread Christ’s message, please help me

    So here is a little story for everyone. Im not sure if this is the place for this post but here goes: When I graduated College with a computer science degree a year and a half ago I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with my life. It would have been relatively easy for me to get a good...
  5. C

    Android app development in the building?

    Android app development here. Just wanted to connect with other app development people. Any cool or weird issues dealt with as a Christian developer vs non-religious devs?
  6. C

    New user just saying hi

    Hey everyone, New user here. Just want to say hi to all the christians online. I love the fact that we have christians online. The church I used to belong to doesnt believe/like/trust in using the internet to promote christians and connect with others.