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  1. mygodisalvation

    Please pray I become closer to Jesus

    Hello my name is Hannah and I'm a 23 yr old single mom and I'm all alone basically except for Jesus but I can't get close to him and I long to have a real relationship with him and be able to pray (out loud) for 3 days straight but whenever I try my mind goes blank and I can't get the words out...
  2. mygodisalvation


    Hello I'm a bible believing Christian and I was just wondering if it's ok for Christians to accept astrology, as there are many references to it in the bible... And the magi who knew about Jesus's birth were astrologers. Im greatly interested in it but I stay away from the horoscopes and tarot...
  3. mygodisalvation

    Hi I'm new :)

    Hello everyone my name is Hannah, I'm 22 and from the US . It would be awesome to find some wise Christian friends to discuss all my questions with ☺️.