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  1. rockwell

    how do i do this - need help

    hey all. I need help falling in love with the Lord again, the lover of my soul, my first love. I have (last year) failed, drifted apart and backstabbed God. I used to be close to God, i used to feel his presence and the Holy spirits warnings. I really see the need to get closer to God...
  2. rockwell

    help!!! >dealing with adoption issues<

    Hi guys and girls, a dear friend of mine, who happens to be my best friend and who is more like my girlfriend than a friend was adopted when she was a baby, her current parents are christian and really love her. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever met, she’s pretty smart, spontaneous...
  3. rockwell

    socceroos were cursed ?!?!?!

    Hi there fellow citizens, accoording to some dude (safran) some witchdoctor from africa cursed the socceroos and that's the reason why they had not made it to the World cup for more than 30 years... read: I know curses do exist and as a...
  4. rockwell

    thank you Lord

    Hi guys, i just wanna praise the most awesome God of gods and Lord of Lords for his blessings, love and care. My dad had a vascular operation today and developed some pretty bad breathing problems while under the anesthesia. The Lord really looked after him during the procedure and even though...
  5. rockwell

    introduce yourself

    I was thinking... for all the new people like me, what if we introduce ourselves. I have been on CF for about a year but this is the first time i'm on the Australian forum (told you this was gonna be a weird post) anyway... I am rockwell, male, 22yo single, born again christian, belong to...
  6. rockwell

    in need of a psychologist

    Hi everyone, Today I did the inevitable, for years now, I have been trying to deal with issues from my childhood, past hurts, a shattered heart, hurt feelings and emotions, poor self-esteem, broken dreams and a general sense of hopelessness and inadequacy. I have made an appointment with a...
  7. rockwell

    Singleness and its struggles

    Hi everyone – It’s been a while since I last posted but I want to remind you guys that I love all and every single one of you guys. I am in need of good advice; I have been struggling with my singleness for a while now and unfortunately I’m getting to the point where I just want to call it quit...
  8. rockwell

    Singleness and its struggles

    Hi everyone – It’s been a while since I last posted but I wanted to remind you all that I love all and every single one of you. I am in need of good advice; I have been struggling with my singleness for a while now and unfortunately I’m getting to the point where I just want to call it quit and...
  9. rockwell

    Christian friends – what a disappointment!

    I need some advice on how to fix a broken friendship. I got a 20 years old friend (I should say used to have a friend), we went to the same school together, she used to be a committed Christian, she’d preach the gospel and up until the last time we got together (few months ago) she was full on...
  10. rockwell

    christian Prime Minister? why not!

    Hey all, I’m curious, who are you guys gonna be voting for and WHY? I’m voting ‘Liberal’ for Kevin Andrews MP, He’s a really good guy strong in his faith and born again Christian. My point of view is that the Howard Govt. is more Christian-based, lets face it, Howard and Costello both...
  11. rockwell

    Medication vs. God’s power

    I suffer from anxiety, when I get really worried about something I kind of panic, my heart-rate increases by at least by 40%, i sometimes start shivering, my voice can shake and i can also blush. I cant seem to control it. Anything can trigger this kind of anxiety, I can be watching a movie, or...
  12. rockwell

    is this true?

    Hi all, About 3 weeks ago my pastor said from the pulpit on a sunday morning meeting that be believed there were times when God would get tired (kind of sick) of us when we ask and ask and ask.... for things i suppose. I was raised believing that God is a God of mercy, Love and that He made us...
  13. rockwell

    What does this dream mean???

    Lately I have been having deep/nice talks with my heavenly father, praying heaps and asking Him to reveal Himself to me as well as His plans... Someone I once truly loved had to move overseas for good. (less than a year ago). a few days ago I had this dream… I was in the backyard next...
  14. rockwell

    struggling with "emotional" depression

    Hi, I’m a 20 y.o. guy, Christian who loves the Lord with all of my heart and wants to become a better person each day. My problem is that I feel pretty empty inside now after having problems with a great friend (girl). I have prayed to the God “Lord, you are my everything, you are my life and...