Search results

  1. SnappleX

    Prayer to stand firm against the devil

    Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all...
  2. SnappleX

    Thank you Christianforums!

    Hello. I have become very consumed with work and life and local ministries that I have not been active over the past year but I wanted to thank each and every person on this forum! I intend to devote some more time to the forums. God Bless and thank you all for being such amazing servants of...
  3. SnappleX

    Mark Schell please dial 151

    Mark Schell 151 please!
  4. SnappleX

    Writing a book. I need help

    Hello I am making this post from my cell phone so it will not be very thorough. I am a journalist and have decided to publish some of my entries. I am writing a self help book for addiction and recovery. Specifically members of the Alcoholics Anonymous organization. What is unique about my...
  5. SnappleX

    Relationship Advice

    Hello. I am writing this because I am genuinely concerned about the situation I am currently in and seek guidance. I will start off by confessing that I am 28 years old, and a Sinner with a capital S!!! I was addicted to heroin for 7 years and been in and out of institutions/jails/prisons...
  6. SnappleX

    Psalms Politics 1:1

    Greetings, I hope everybody is having a fabulous day today! Here is some food for thought... Psalms 1:1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. The bible suggests that the wicked have some sort of...
  7. SnappleX

    100th Post

    Hey, This is me 100th post and wondering what new features become available *if any* at 100 posts? Thanks -- SnappleX
  8. SnappleX

    Repetitive Repenting

    Greetings, Quick Question - but something I often ask myself when I am on my kneese praying before bed at night so I thought I would hop on here and make a quick post before I head off into dream-land :) I ask for forgiveness of the sins I have commited almost daily at night when I pray to...
  9. SnappleX

    Hardened by sin - Please help me get back

    Hola! I am seeking advice from fellow christians on this topic. I was born in a family that never went to church and never practiced religion. I was born into an athiest family and raised without any obedience and discipline toward God. I turned to drugs at a young age - 11 or so and used...
  10. SnappleX

    People called least in the kingdom of heaven. Atleast they are in Heaven... ?

    Hello, thoughts about this please. Mathew 5:19 states.. “Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. "...
  11. SnappleX

    How to avoid situations that are likely to cause SIN?

    Hello, I am a believer of Christ and his teachings but only in the past few years found him! I know that I am weak in many aspects of my Christian life and I have turned my life and will over to the power of God and asked Him for help - which He has graciously given to me! The problem is...
  12. SnappleX

    Swimming - AKA. Quality time with my Lord and Savior!

    Hello everyone. I am an avid swimmer and was wondering if any other swimmers have found that while submerged in water doing laps or whatever form you prefer to swim is an ideal opertunity to spend time with the Lord? God Bless & Amen -- SnappleX
  13. SnappleX

    Say no to porn! But HOW?

    Hello, I have developed an incredibly ugly addiction to pornographic material and I really don't know HOW to break it! It is a somewhat NEW thing in my life, maybe a year or so but I really wanna curb this horrible burden that is probably the largest thing in the way of my progress towards...
  14. SnappleX

    Eradicating False Idols

    Hello, I recently took a look at my life, and the areas which cause me trouble with my walk with Christ. As a non-believer I never consciously looked at my Idol worship. I have eradicated a few Idols from my life, such as Sports, Facebook, television, etc. I am an avid gamer, I know...
  15. SnappleX

    Limitations and Deliminations to Fasting?

    Hello, I have not been able to confirm exactly what a FAST consists of? As far as I understand a fast does not have any limitations or deliminations? A fast could be anywhere from an hour to a year? Scriptures / Comments appreciated! Thanks -- SnappleX
  16. SnappleX

    New Christian Communities Forum

    Hello, I would like to suggest a Young Men Christian Association *YMCA* forum, it would promote healthy living, Christlike connections, and a family oriented place to discuss. Thanks!
  17. SnappleX

    Ye that love the LORD, hate evil ?

    These are two versus I think about often when I am at work trying to figure out how to walk in the likeness of our Lord and Savior. How does he measure "evil" ? If he is so gracious to forgive us our sins and tresspasses then how can we hate evil ? Considering we all fall short of his glory...
  18. SnappleX

    Beatles- Let it be

    Hello, my name is Benjamin and I have been addicted to one drug or another most of my adult life. I am 26 years old and have two years clean from Heroin and other drugs! Now, if you are like me and struggled with addiction you most likely have a hard time dealing with problems and people in...
  19. SnappleX

    God working in my life. Should I feel blessed or guilty?

    Hello, I am 26 years old a fairly new believer. I have turned my life over to Jesus Christ but I made some mistakes along the way. I used to be involved in crime, drugs, and all together bad things but no longer am. I see God working in my life every single day, and it is .... ?? Scary ...
  20. SnappleX

    Healthy Relationships

    Hello, I am 26 years old and recently got out of ANOTHER unhealthy relationship! I desperately want to get in a relationship with a girl who believes in God + Puts the word of God FIRST! I guess the questions I have are: Is it unhealthy to meet a female outside of the Church? When do I know if...