Search results

  1. ab1385

    What is a trasitional fossil?

    Totally serious question here... My understanding is that a species, as a whole, is constantly evolving, some individuals will have large mutations, others none, but overall a species will continue to evolve. Surely this means that any species, at any point in time is transitional between...
  2. ab1385

    Very quick question for creationists...

    Why do you think that Christians who believe in evolution do so? Just out of interest really, do you think we've been somehow fooled, or what?
  3. ab1385

    FS: Books in the UK

    I never see anything UK FS here, but I'll put some books up in case anyone wants them. Case For A Creator - Lee Strobel God's Amazings Claims - Lee Strobel Relationships Revolution - Nigel Pollock Distinctives - Vaughan Roberts Run Baby Run - Nicky Cruz Purpose Driven Life - Rick Warren...
  4. ab1385

    Knowledge at all costs?

    Here's something I've been thinking about for a while - I'm pretty much decided in my mind on this but I thought I'd get others' opinions. In a quest for truth, should we consider the possiblity that we have got it wrong, and Christianity is at all flawed? What I mean is, should we only...
  5. ab1385

    Something I don't get...

    Why do people keep referring to 'belief' as if it's a choice? If I have an experience, I will believe it happened. If I see evidence from a source I trust, then I believe it is true. Belief is a logical deduction based on the best evidence you have to hand - whether that's personal...
  6. ab1385

    What does 'messianic' mean?

    Seems a fairly simple question... I see people who put their faith icon as 'messianic', yet I don't really know/understand much about what it means, anyone care to shed some light on this for me?
  7. ab1385

    Girl problems :(

    I know, I'm hardly alone in this, but this is causing me quite a lot of anguish at the moment, and I would appreciate prayer, so I thought I couldn't really lose by posting this here. No problem too big or too small for God eh? It's a good thing He cares about the silly things in my life as well...
  8. ab1385

    Why I believe what I believe...

    Science and faith are, for most people, actually quite similar. Science requires evidence, or is, in fact, more accurately, a study of the available evidence and the attainment of more. Faith is believing in things not seen, yet that doesn't mean that there is no evidence for God, nor does it...
  9. ab1385

    What to do?

    I'm in something of a quandry, and there are very few people who I can talk to openly about it, so I thought the anonymity of the 'net would be a good place to ask people for honest christian advice. Basically, I am a student at university in Bristol, UK, and it's now my 4th year. My problem...
  10. ab1385

    UK: FS: Left Behind Books 2-10

    I can't find books 1, 11, or 12, grrr... Anyway, if you're in the UK, and wanted to try these books, then I'm going to put them up for grabs at £6 each plus P&P (I think new they varied between £12 and £16, but I could have misremembered that). If you wanted to take them all, then I'd...
  11. ab1385

    Those who have never heard of Jesus

    Having just come back from a home group, we were discussing the issue of people who have never heard 'the Gospel', though between us we weren't really satisfied with the conclusions (as we didn't really come to that many). The general idea put forward seems to be that God's 'justice', or, put...
  12. ab1385

    Serious questions...

    Please, these are serious questions from someone who is looking for serious answers, so no jumping on each others backs on this one. So, to get started: 1. Is traditional Darwinism (as opposed to evolution in general) in trouble as a theory? Are there even nearly AS MANY transitional...
  13. ab1385

    Stumbling blocks...

    This is a thread I thought I'd start as it is something that has been annoying me for ages, having lived with some ardent creationists in the past. I have no problem with creationists, or them holding the views they do, you're all allowed to think what you want to. However, failure to admit...
  14. ab1385

    Losing faith here...

    Hmmm, it's 2.40am over here but its about time I finally got all my thoughts out, and shared them so that others can discuss them with me. Im really struggling with many ideas within the christian faith at the moment, I would say that at the moment I have no relationship with God, but Im too...
  15. ab1385

    Hello people!

    OK, this is just an excuse to show off my new sig, which is probably far too big on most people's screens anyway. Oh well! How's everyone's day been? Anyone done anything exciting? I started a new job today! Though its only a 3 day temp job, which makes it less exciting...
  16. ab1385

    Just uploading my new sig...

    Pretty self explanitory thread really...
  17. ab1385

    Third day

    Anyone going to see third day in London, sometime in June I believe..
  18. ab1385

    Where does the name "Jehova" come from?

    I can't find the name Jehova in any of my translations of the bible, so I'm interested to know where it came from? My houemate insists that it is merely a mistranslation of the tetragrammon YHWH, and I've seen this in other places too. I've also seen it claimed that it comes from the names...
  19. ab1385

    LDS and Genesis?

    Just wondering if there was an official LDS statement on how literal genesis was? As in, young earth or old earth creation?