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  1. P

    Is it bad to look for a woman?

    Is it bad to look for a woman? I am a 20 year old sophmore in college, and I go to a Christian college, and there are a lot of people around me that are hooking up, finding boyfriends, girlfriends, etc. What I'm wondering is, is this bad? Is it bad for me to look for a girlfriend? I...
  2. P

    Why is it that you can't just tell a girl that you have a crush on her?

    Why is it that you can't just go up to a girl and tell her you have a crush on her, or that you like her, or why can't you just tell a lot of other people that you like her? Like I want to... but there's this quelling uneasiness inside that prevents me from doing so. Why is this?
  3. P

    God's cool plan

    It seems like one of the most common and irritating parts about Christianity is how obsessed people are about God's path, especially in the area of relationships. People will make unfounded statements such as "well it's alright cuz really God knows which path and way is best for me, and if I...
  4. P

    A question for the women

    Hey, I know I'm not a woman, so technically I shouldnt be here, but I had a question and was wondering if I could get some input from some women about it: I am a male, and quite honestly I admit, I am attracted to good-looking females. What am I wondering is, is what they say completely...
  5. P

    A question of how to interact with people

    Alright, Normally I am a pretty shy person, I am a freshmen at a Christian college, and I wouldn't mind meeting a girl here. Is it bad to make myself become more social in order to increase the chances of that happening? Would that mean that I'm not being myself?
  6. P

    The irony of college..

    disclaimer: Note, in this thread is not particularly meant to ask for advice, so don't be dissapointed if you give some and I don't follow it. Okay, we all know that college is a time where meeting women is seemingly perfect. I mean with the classes that we have with them, and the fine...