Search results

  1. T

    how were you called to your ministry?

    First off, I believe that everyone has a part in 'the great commission', if it just means being faithful and telling people about your faith in Christ. For others it means preaching, pastoring, teaching, music, missionary work, etc. My question is how were you called to work in whatever field it...
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    tending to the feet of your spouse

    Do you ever massage or take care of your loved one's feet? We spend the majority of our time on our feet so normally they would get tired. Jesus cleaned his disciples feet in a display of service, and I was just wondering if anyone here reciprocates that love to other people? I'm not married...
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    Prayer request

    A man I used to talk to from the internet messaged me, and I was able to expound God's Word and the gospel to Him. I left talking with Him with a link to the gospel of John from biblegateway. Please pray that The Lord draws him soon. Thank you
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    Dear Heavenly Father, (prayer)

    For those of you who pray to The Father (which I believe The Bible teaches and commands us to do), do you ever get caught up in the love of The Son and tell Christ you love him personally? In order to make this thread not just one of my ramblings, I want to make it about prayer. How do you...
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    How important do you think it is for your psychiatrist to be a Christian?Chances are, unless you seek and pay for this specifically you are not going to find one. I was just wondering what the pros and cons were to both. Your input would be valued and appreciated. God bless
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    shrimp fest

    If any of you didn't know Red Lobster has their neverending shrimp sale on until november. 15 bucks for you all you can eat shrimp. Anyway, my question is how much cholesterol does fried shrimp contain? I heard from someone that it contains a lot of it. I need to watch that for sure.
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    a question

    First off, I'm looking for a certain passage in The Bible that talks about a worker is worth his wages. If you know where that is please respond. Now on to the dillema at hand. I've been recording music from youtube and other streaming audio sites for a couple months now without any conscience...
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    Christian anime..does it exist?

    I've heard it said that Neon Genesis is at least based on Christianity. I don't buy that for a second. Anyway, I was wondering if Christian anime exists. If so or not, what would it look like? Just curious.
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    i don't know where else to put this

    This is a stupid question, but how do I record from one cassette tape to another cassette tape on a dual cassette player? Thanks in advance.
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    what do you use to write with?

    Do you use a computer, typewriter, pencil/pen, notepad, writing paper? I mainly use a pencil and notebook paper, and if it's something that I'm going to keep I will usually type it out on wordpad. I'm stuck between deciding to use a mechanical pencil or a regular pencil. I like mechanical...
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    this was one of my dreams that i wrote into a story

    I had been wanting to play baseball for a long time, and when my mother mentioned that her job had a sports league I jumped at the chance. When the time came up I took some neighborhood friends who wanted to play also to signups. When we got there we were greeted by a tall lanky man who...
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    question from the book of acts

    What does it mean when it's said in the book of Acts that "they gave forth their lots and the lot fell upon Matthias"? What does that mean?
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    I have a question about this forum..

    What's the deal with those 'face the board' threads that pop up where a person opens him/herself up to questions? I'm single and have never dated so I guess I'm out of the loop on this.
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    Above All

    I'm looking for a version of this song sung back a woman and played with a piano. Anything will do. Thanks
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    early church members histories

    Does anyone know if there is any record of early members of the church? I know some of the apostles have histories, but does anyone know if Timothy has anything written down about him outside of The Bible.
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    gifts and the calling of God

    What our each of yours spiritual gifts and when do you know to have them?
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    a few questions

    First of all, this isn't a baiting thread. The questions I'm going to ask here aren't intended to bring into question any Christian fundamental doctrines. If anything, they're to help me get a better understanding of the Word of God. So if you will please stop by and take a look at some of the...
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    oppositions in the witness place

    There's a place that we go to witness and to preach, and recently there was a hindrance while Brian was expounding the gospel to a Jewish Lady. The driver who takes her to the synagogue rather abruptly and harshly put a stop to it. Later on, I learned that he complained to the management that we...
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    Does Satan know the deity of Christ?

    Does he know that Jesus in the Son of God? I'm thinking that the answer is yes with no doubt about it, but I want to make sure. I'm going to witness today, and I don't want to tell anybody wrong.
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    The Old Rugged Cross

    I'm looking for a version of this hymn sung by a choir. If anyone knows where I can find a copy of this please let me know. P.S. - I know the obvious answer would be a church, but our tape duplicater is broken. Any help would be appreciated!