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  1. S


    Was wondering about the people that are on these? What is/was the diagnosis criteria for one of these...(your personal diagnosis) Is there any other symtoms people experience other than the classic bi-polar symtoms of extreme lows/highs that would not be classicfied as schizophrenia but still...
  2. S

    the diagnosis

    Getting your unique diagnosis is hard for anyone... I think I have schizoprenic trates... I smoked pot for two years...which was a huge culprit to the onset of my illness... I was also on stimulants a lot when I was in school...which use to make me depressed and a bit parinod... I don't hear...
  3. S

    My Opening Rant

    Hi, new to the boards. I come from a family of believers, I am a very spiritual person with an open mind, even though I don't attend church. My BP: I have swings several times at day, but I mostly am riding on the low end most of the time. I also have a case of drug endused parinoa...